VMware Cloud Community

DPM doesnt power off Hosts

Hey I have a problem and I cannot find a solution.

Even though the Host utilization of 2 of my 7 hosts is around 30 % , DPM does not consilidate the VMs of these hosts and power one down.

I have already disabled HA ,power-off Cost benefit and DRS cost benefit evaluation. The DRS and DPM threshold is set to 5 and both are in automatic mode.

I do not have set any Affinity or Reservation rules, so there is no reason why both hosts are kept alive. I have been waiting for 12 Hours now.

What is really suprising is that when I manually migrate both vms onto one Hosts, I get the Power Off reccomendation a few minutes after it. I also get a Power off Migration if I reduce the host utilization on both hosts to 20 %. But in my Opinion 30 % should be enough to power down one host, as the utilization range is set to 45-81 percent. I have attached pictures regarding cpu and ram utilization

Does anyone have an answer what might cause the problem?
Thank you!

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2 Replies


can you post the logs files of the esxi host that shuts down?


Blog: https://www.aleadmin.it/
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thank you very much for  your help!

I am exporting the logs atm but it takes some time ( I will post as soon as it is finished). Is there any "event" I can look for myself in the logs?

Something I noticed: As long as the overall cluster utilization has been above 45 Percent (even though two hosts had a utilization below 30%), I didnt get the power off reccommendation. As soon as the utilization dropped below 45 Percent DPM initiated powering down one host. (see Attachment).

Could this be the problem? In particular: Does DPM only consider the overall cluster utilization for the power off reccomendation and as long as this is over 45 %, it wont generate a power off reccomendation? I dont think that its like that but it seems like it is.

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