VMware Cloud Community

Build in Graphics Adapter - how to configure

Author :

URL : http:////docs.vmware.com/de/VMware-vSphere/6.7/com.vmware.vsphere.vm_admin.doc/GUID-A75B69D5-800A-41...

Topic Name : Konfigurieren von virtuellen CPUs mit mehreren Kernen

Publication Name : vSphere-Administratorhandbuch für virtuelle Maschinen

Product/Version : VMware vSphere/6.7

Question :

Hello, How is the optimal configuration of the build in graphics Adapter of a virtuel machine, when on this machine a Terminalserver (Windows 2012 R2) is running and the users have monitors with up to 1920 x 1280 resolution - up to 2 monitors? How much RAM, how many screens and so on shall I configure for the terminalserver? Thanks!!

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