VMware Cloud Community

<NotAuthenticatedFault xmlns:vim25="urn:vim25" xsi:type="vim25:NotAuthenticated">

<NotAuthenticatedFault xmlns:vim25="urn:vim25" xsi:type="vim25:NotAuthenticated">
<object xmlns="urn:vim25" type="VsanSpaceReportSystem">vsan-cluster-space-report-system</object>
<privilegeId xmlns="urn:vim25"/>
Getting the above response when I tried to hit QueryVsanManagedStorageSpaceUsage,VsanQueryEntitySpaceUsage, methods from VsanSpaceReportSystem Managed Object using the sample code from the vsan sdk 7.0u2.
I have tried hitting several methods from other Managed Objects and they seems to be working with the existing connection which I used for the same QueryVsanManagedStorageSpaceUsage,VsanQueryEntitySpaceUsage, methods.
Can anyone Suggest what would be the problem and any solutions which I can try?
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