VMware Cloud Community

VSAN 6.6 config assist questions

Hello. I've got a few questions relating to warnings I'm getting in my Configuration Assist.

1.) Controller disk group mode: I was hoping to use a SuperMicro SMC3108 controller for my hybrid array. This controller is certified for all flash, but not hybrid... will this be supported? (VMware Compatibility Guide - I/O Device Search)

2.) I need to do a driver update for an Intel P3700 PCIe NVMe. I would like to use the new the update software button, but it's greyed out. Is it because this is an Intel device and not specifically Dell/HP/etc that the update software option is greyed out? (VMware Compatibility Guide - ssd)

3.) Controller firmware (see below screenshot)

a.) I've got an Avago 3008 onboard controller that I'm running RAID1 SSDs for my ESXi install, current firmware shows NA, and unknown if firmware is certified; so while I'm not using it for VSAN, it is on the HCL (VMware Compatibility Guide - I/O Device Search) how come it's not being picked up?

b.) My Intel P3700 PCIe NVMe (see point 2 for HCL entry) is showing a warning for having firmware 8DV10171, and recommending 8DV1CP01, but the one I'm running is on the HCL, and the one it's recommending is not... any thoughts as to why?


Any help / guidance is muchly appreciated. Thanks!

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2 Replies

My issues are specific to points #2 and #3)b.

I need to locate and install HCL compliant driver 1.0e.2.0 and firmware 8DV1CP01 for INTEL p3700

Health check reports the current firmware for the Intel p3700 as N/A, with the recommended as 8DV1CP01, can not locate a download source for 8DV1CP01 firmware.

Similarly the current driver is reported as with a recommended of 1.0e.2.0 which when searching and downloading the driver from my.vmware/downloads is the driver which I installed....

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Has there been any resolution to this? We are seeing something similar

We have Intel nvme DC P3700's

and are using: Intel nVME nvme version with firmware   8DV10171(driver downloaded from vmware ) . This combo is on the supported HCL for vsan 6.6.

THe healthcheck still points us to need to load P3700 firmware 8DC1CP01.

Is this an error on vmwares part?

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