VMware Cloud Community

Unable to delete VDC due to org VDC network in use

Hello there.

I trying to remove VDC in vCloud Director, but can't do it. The problem with VDC network. When deleting it vCD answers "[ 42fa690c-2936-4525-9f32-5eae43f5b77e ] Entity LSW-VDC cannot be deleted, because it is in use.". All vApps in this VDC was removed, catalogs cleared.

I know that removing part of vCD infrastructure in vCenter Server brokes vCD and it will need to be reinstalled.

How to resolve isuue and/or safely remove unnecessary VDC ?

Reading logs has not given additional info.
2 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee


What is the version of your vCD?

I believe the only way is manipulating vCD database, but this should be done with Tech Support assistance. I can try to send to you some queries to check what is "using" this network and you can try to delete it, but this is really dangerous and I really recommend you to ask Tech Support assistance.

0 Kudos

I deal with this one almost daily and I have opened several cases. VMWare engineering is aware of it. I do have a REST API in powershell that will delete it. I also have SQL delete query I use. But I default to the REST API call below typically.

The items in Bold come from your specific information.

$VCDConnection = connect-ciserver -server "vcdservername"

$sessionkey = $VCDConnection.SessionId

$orgs = get-org -name "Orgname"

$vdcs = Get-OrgVdc -org $org

$vdcorgNetworks = Get-OrgVdcNetwork -OrgVdc $vdcs

$sessionkey = $VCDConnection.SessionId

                foreach($vdc in $vdcs){

                    foreach($vdcorgNetwork in $vdcorgNetworks){

                        write-host ("`tDeleting OrgVDC Network: "+$vdcorgNetwork.name)


                        $headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"

                        $Headers.Add('x-vcloud-authorization', $sessionkey)



                        $vdcnetURL = $vdcorgNetwork.href+'?force=true'

                        $wr = (Invoke-WebRequest -uri $vdcnetURL -Method Delete -Headers $Headers).content

                        [xml]$wrxml = $wr

                            $wrtaskhref= $wrxml.Task.href

                            Write-Verbose  "wrtaskhref: $wrtaskhref"


                            while($ts -ne 'success')


                            [xml]$taskstatus = (Invoke-WebRequest -uri $wrtaskhref -Method get -Headers $headers).content

                            $ts = $taskstatus.Task.Status

                            Write-Verbose "ts: $ts"

                            start-sleep -Seconds 3}



                        Write-Verbose -Message 'Pausing for 15 seconds so system can stabilize'

                        start-sleep -seconds 15
