VMware Cloud Community

Error when access to web config vCloud Director

Dear all,

I try to install and config vCloud Director.

I execute follow Instaling guide: Create database, certificates, install vcloud,...

It finished (Can connect database, found certificates, install 100% vcloud, start vmware-vcd,...)

But when I access to web config, I get a gray page and it always request to vcloud server (2 second).

My log : the request found, but all process WAITING, it doesn't work.

All process is WAITING, dont execute any %. Report 0% complete.

Any solution for me.

07 06:48:11,112 | INFO     | pool-inittracker-1-thread-1 | ServiceInitializationTracker   | Application initialization detailed status report: 0% complete
    com.vmware.vcloud.common-util                                Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
    com.vmware.vcloud.api-framework                              Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
    com.vmware.vcloud.consoleproxy                               Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
    com.vmware.vcloud.common-vmomi                               Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
    com.vmware.vcloud.jax-rs-activator                           Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
    com.vmware.pbm.placementengine                               Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
    com.vmware.vcloud.vim-proxy                                  Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
    com.vmware.vcloud.fabric.foundation                          Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
    com.vmware.vcloud.fabric.storage                             Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
    com.vmware.vcloud.fabric.compute                             Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
    com.vmware.vcloud.fabric.net                                 Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
    com.vmware.vcloud.backend-core                               Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
    com.vmware.vcloud.ui.configuration                           Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
    com.vmware.vcloud.imagetransfer-server                       Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
    com.vmware.vcloud.rest-api-handlers                          Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
    com.vmware.vcloud.jax-rs-servlet                             Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
    com.vmware.vcloud.ui-vcloud-webapp                           Subsystem Status: [WAITING]
2013-02-07 06:49:13,416 | FATAL    |  - com.vmware.vcloud.common.core.cellApplication.0 | AbstractCellApplication        | Application startup event: Error during application startup. Shutting down. (Missing: com.vmware.vcloud.common-util) |
2013-02-07 06:49:13,417 | INFO     |  - com.vmware.vcloud.common.core.cellApplication.0 | AbstractCellApplication        | Application shutdown event: Beginning |
2013-02-07 06:49:19,421 | INFO     |  - com.vmware.vcloud.common.core.cellApplication.0 | AbstractCellApplication        | Application shutdown event: Application stop requested. Shutting down. |
2013-02-07 06:49:19,422 | INFO     | Cell shutdown hook        | AbstractCellApplication        | Application shutdown event: Received stop signal. Shutting down. |
2013-02-07 06:49:19,422 | WARN     | Cell shutdown hook        | AbstractCellApplication        | Application shutdown event: Shutdown already in progress. Ignoring request. |

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5 Replies

Hi hackkill,

I had the same issue and I resolved it by making sure that the hostname was the same as the name I was binding the http service to. for example, I had server01.domain.com as the servers name, but I had created separate DNS entries for the https and consoleproxy services, server01-1.domain.com and server01-2.domain.com.

i did this so I had clear active directory records for services, but it meant that the server01.domain.com was not resolving and not binding, so I changed it to server01-1.domain.com and it all worked.

hope this helps

0 Kudos

Hi, we suddenly have the same issue and DNS is ok (and wasn't changed)

Did Nigel's hint on DNS help you?

0 Kudos

Same thing happened to me, this was DNS related. Had my hostname on the vcd cell as "servername1.domain" but the DNS record was "servername.domain"

0 Kudos

Sehr geehrte Dame, sehr geehrter Herr,

ich befinde mich bis zum 18.08.2013 nicht im Hause. Ich empfange Ihre eMail zwar, kann Sie aber nicht bearbeiten. Bitte wenden Sie sich in dringenden Fällen an unsere Technikhotline, die unter der Rufnummer 0611 26244303 zu erreichen ist.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Carsten Buchberger

0 Kudos

Are open the required ports?

Try stopping the iptables service and login again.


VMware Certified Professional VCP5
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