VMware Cloud Community

STS certificate renew on vCenter 6.0 U3

As I saw a sts certificate warning on my another vCenter 6.5, I download and run the fixsts.sh script, and problem solved smoothly. And I have vCenter 6.0 as well, but it says cannot find ldapsearch when I ran the same script. And VSCA seems do not have apt to install the package, so I copy and paste the libraries and binary of ldapsearch on the 6.5 one, which is unlikely to success, I know. And now the error became "no version information available (required by ldapsearch)". So my sts certificate is about to expire net month, and I couldn't find any information regarding the 6.0 version. Any idea to install ldapsearch on vsca 6.0? Or any alternative ways to refresh sts certificate on vsca 6.0? Thanks in advance.
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