VMware Cloud Community

Problem with backup vcsa 6.5 - "Failed to get VC build number"


We have following error in log, while try to backup VCSA from GUI:

/var/log/vmware/applmgmt ]# cat backup.log
2021-11-05 01:18:18,841 [MainProcess:PID-15161] ERROR: BackupManager encountered an exception: Failed to get VC build number; applmgmt version get api failed. Err: Failure instance has no attribute '__getitem__'
2021-11-05 01:18:18,849 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Cleaning up the failed backup job.
2021-11-05 01:18:18,849 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Cleaning up all running backup child processes.
2021-11-05 01:18:18,912 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Cleaning up all sizeFiles.
2021-11-05 01:18:18,912 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Cleaning up ConfigFiles.
2021-11-05 01:18:18,913 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Cleaning up Lotus.
2021-11-05 01:18:18,913 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Successfully completed Lotus cleanup.
2021-11-05 01:18:18,913 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Cleaning up VCDB.
2021-11-05 01:18:18,914 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Finishing full database backup
2021-11-05 01:18:18,914 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Retrieving postgres server listening port
2021-11-05 01:18:18,914 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Executing command: netstat -plnt.
2021-11-05 01:18:18,964 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Canceling running pg_start_backup() process.
2021-11-05 01:18:18,964 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Executing command: ['/opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql', '-U', 'postgres', '-p', '5432', '-At', '-c', "SELECT pg_cancel_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pid <> pg_backend_pid() and query ~ '^select\\ pg\\_xlogfile\\_name\\(pg\\_start\\_backup\\(.*\\)\\)\\;' "].
2021-11-05 01:18:18,990 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: No pg_start_backup() process is running.
2021-11-05 01:18:18,991 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Checking whether Postgres online backup still in progress
2021-11-05 01:18:18,991 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Executing command: /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -U postgres -p 5432 -t -c "select pg_is_in_backup();".
2021-11-05 01:18:19,011 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Postgres on-line backup already finished. Skip stopping backup operation
2021-11-05 01:18:19,011 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Successfully cleaned up for VCDB backup.
2021-11-05 01:18:19,012 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Cleaning up ComponentScripts.
2021-11-05 01:18:19,012 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Cleaning up StatsMonitorDB.
2021-11-05 01:18:19,012 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Cleaning up failed backup files.
2021-11-05 01:18:19,743 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Cleaned up the failed backup job.
2021-11-05 01:18:19,905 [MainProcess:PID-15161] INFO: Backup job failed.

Could you help me how to fix a problem?

I found same problem in comment below article, but without solution.


[MainProcess:PID-53110] ERROR: BackupManager encountered an exception: Failed to get VC build number; applmgmt version get api failed. E rr: Failure instance has no attribute '__getitem__'

Best regards,


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