VMware Cloud Community

Preguntas Vmware - Dudas y Ayuda

buenos dias

tengo algunas dudas y espero puedan aclararlas.

vccenter 6.5 no se puede actualizar directamente a la version 6.7 ¿porque?

Se tendrìa que migrar toda la configuraciòn de 6.5 a 6.7, como en windows?

El tamaño màximo de los datastore en vsphere 6.5 cual es? ¿4TB? o se puede expandir a mayor tamaño el datastore?

Para Servidores con SQL y Exchange, el mejor aprovisionamiento es Thick?¿ es lo recomendable?

La nomenclatura del nombre de mi VCSA es muy largo, quisera cambiarlo a un nmbre mas corto,obviamente tendria que realizar un storage vmotion para que los archivos tomen el nuevo nombre, pero como es mi VCSA tengo un poco de miedo, al hacer el storage vmotion, los discos se verìa afectados? es recomendable hacerle un storage vmotion al VCSA?

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3 Replies

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good morning

I have some doubts and I hope you can clarify them.

vccenter 6.5 can not be updated directly to version 6.7, why?

Would you have to migrate the entire configuration from 6.5 to 6.7, as in windows?

The maximum size of the datastore in vsphere 6.5 what is it? 4TB? or can the datastore be expanded to a larger size?

for Servers with SQL and Exchange, the best provisioning is Thick? Is it advisable?

The name naming of my VCSA is very long, I wanted to change it to a shorter name, obviously I would have to make a storage vmotion so that the files take the new name, but since it is my VCSA I have a little fear, when doing the storage vmotion, would the disks be affected? Is it advisable to do a storage vmotion to the VCSA?

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1) For now, upgrading from 6.5 U2 to 6.7 is not possible. Once 6.7 U1 is released, you can directly upgrade - Under the Hood - vSphere 6.7 Update 1 - VMware vSphere Blog​.

2) If you have Windows vCenter, immediately migrate to vCenter appliance. With the release of 6.7, Windows vCenter is deprecated. - Farewell, vCenter Server for Windows - VMware vSphere Blog

3) Max size of a datastore in 6.5 is 64 TB.

4) Thick provisioned eager zeroed.

5) Rename the VM in the vCenter inventory and perform a SvMotion to another datastore. There should be no impact.



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