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  • 1.  How create content library using SMB?

    Posted Jun 12, 2017 05:37 PM


    I have vCenter 6.0 installed on Windows (domain name vcenter.example.local)

    And file server (fs.example.local) where I have ISO images.

    I want to connect folder with ISO to vCenter using SMB.

    When I create library I type neccessary path to folder (fs/Install/OS) but after pressing "Finish" I get next notification

    A specified parameter was not correct:

    The provided storage backing file:// for library fd9950c5-a95a-4d9c-a3a6-6f87dce53ffb does not exist, the storage backing might be removed, disconnected, or no longer accessible via file://

    But OS folder on fs.example.local exists.

    Please let me know how to fix this?



  • 2.  RE: How create content library using SMB?

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jun 26, 2017 10:29 AM

    samchuk_vlad , as per my understanding for the content library to work as per requirements the below criteria have to be met:

    The UNC server and the vCenter server must be configured in the same windows domain.

    The UNC share must grant read and write permission to everyone.

    The UNC share requires no user/password login.

  • 3.  RE: How create content library using SMB?

    Posted Nov 16, 2017 07:58 PM

    That seems a little insecure. It doesn't seem like there's clear instruction on how to setup each type.