VMware Cloud Community

ESXI Host Profile Creation Using VMware Power CLI

If any one having any other scripts please share


From here you will want to import your CSV and set to a variable:

#Import spreadsheet with hostname,mgmtip,mgmtsubnet,vmoip,vmosubnet for 1000v DVS input
$answerfile = Import-CSV ProfileAnswers.csv

You now have your answer file array set. We will loop through each item and repeat the code in the previous post to apply the host profile:

#Loop through each row and apply host profile

foreach($data in $answerfile) {

#Set VMhost variable to be able to pipe objects

$VMhost = Get-VMhost $data.hostname

Write-Host “Starting $VMhost.name

#Attach host profile to host

Apply-VMHostProfile -profile $data.profile -entity $VMhost -AssociateOnly -confirm:$false | Out-Null

#Get hash table for answer file and assign to configuration

Write-Host “Getting Hash Table Answer File”

$AdditionalConfiguration =   Apply-VMHostProfile -profile $data.profile -entity $VMHost -ApplyOnly -confirm:$false

#Switch Statement to read in hash table and then set keys for Vmotion IP and Management IP on DVS

$var = @{}


switch ($AdditionalConfiguration.GetEnumerator())


{$_.name -like ‘*management*.address’ }   {

$var += @{$_.Name = $data.mgmtip}


{$_.name -like ‘*management*.subnetmask’} {

$var += @{$_.Name = $data.mgmtsubnet}


{$_.name -like ‘*vmotion*.address’} {

$var += @{$_.Name = $data.vmoip}


{$_.name -like ‘*vmotion*.subnetmask’}    {

$var += @{$_.Name = $data.vmosubnet}


Default {

$value = Read-Host “Please provide a value for ${$_.Name}”

$var +=@{$_.Name = $value}




#Set Host in maintenance mode, apply profile with answer file,  test for compliance

Write-Host “Apply Profile to $VMHost”

Set-VMHost -VMHost $VMhost -State ‘Maintenance’ | Apply-VMHostProfile -Variable $var -Confirm:$false |Test-VMHostProfileCompliance


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