VMware Cloud Community

Alarm-triggered Script Timeout?

I have a script (PowerCLI) that I trigger from an HA Alarm. This script works just fine and it outputs to a log file as it runs. It is initiated correctly, it connects to vCenter correctly, it parses through events to find the list of VMs affected (which BTW should be a built-in report/function IMO, but I digress).

The script works correctly. However, in certain circumstances, enough VMs were affected or enough events need sorting that what I've noticed is that ~5 minutes from the initation of the script, it dies. In the events, I get the following:

Alarm 'HA_Alarm' did not complete script: A general system error occurred: Failed to run script: Script timed out, terminated

I look at the log file for the script and it is functioning perfectly until about 5 minutes after initiation at which point it simply stops, like something just killed the process tree. There are other Alarm-triggered scripts that I'm planing right now that I *KNOW* will run longer than 5 minutes, but I cannot find the setting that controls this timeout to increase it.

Can anyone help me?

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2 Replies


Welcome to the communities.

Please share your script file & check all service dependency..

"You must not lose faith in humanity".
0 Kudos

As this happens consistently in multiple scripts, that seems a bit irrelevant but ok. The code I'm using to test is as follows:

$initiated = Get-Date
$secsToLoop = 1000
echo "$(date -format s) - Going to loop for $secsToLoop seconds"
while ($i -lt $secsToLoop){     echo "$(date -format s) - Sleeping for a sec ($i)"   
    sleep -s 1
    echo "$(date -format s) - Waking up"
    echo "-------------"            if (($i % 10) -eq 0) {             $now = Get-Date                $diff = Get-DateDiff -date1 $initiated -date2 $now                echo "Has been $diff since initiation"
        echo "Now $(($i / $secsToLoop) * 100)% completed"

And in the log file, I consistently get to:

2013-02-19T18:48:41 - Sleeping for a sec (280)
2013-02-19T18:48:42 - Waking up
Has been 00:04:44.0294322 since initiation
Now 28% completed
2013-02-19T18:48:43 - Sleeping for a sec (281)
2013-02-19T18:48:44 - Waking up
2013-02-19T18:48:44 - Sleeping for a sec (282)
2013-02-19T18:48:45 - Waking up
2013-02-19T18:48:45 - Sleeping for a sec (283)
2013-02-19T18:48:46 - Waking up
2013-02-19T18:48:46 - Sleeping for a sec (284)
2013-02-19T18:48:47 - Waking up
2013-02-19T18:48:47 - Sleeping for a sec (285)
2013-02-19T18:48:48 - Waking up
2013-02-19T18:48:48 - Sleeping for a sec (286)
2013-02-19T18:48:49 - Waking up
2013-02-19T18:48:49 - Sleeping for a sec (287)
2013-02-19T18:48:50 - Waking up
2013-02-19T18:48:50 - Sleeping for a sec (288)
2013-02-19T18:48:51 - Waking up
2013-02-19T18:48:51 - Sleeping for a sec (289)
2013-02-19T18:48:52 - Waking up
2013-02-19T18:48:52 - Sleeping for a sec (290)

At which point the script simply ends and vCenter shows an Event with the error mentioned in the OP.

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