VMware Cloud Community

Add Permission to VApp/VM - User or Group Not found

Trying to add a Role for a VApp/VM for an existing user.  In this situation, the UserName has a space in it.

In VCenter I selected the VApp -> Permissions -> Add

In the Add Permissions dialog, I select the AD Domain, Select the User from the drop down list and Role also from the list.

VCenter reports User or group named "User Name" does not exist.

I also tried it with New-VIPermission trying to set permission to a folder.and received the same error. 


$Folder = New-Folder -Name "User Name" -Location $Parent
$VIAccount = Get-VIAccount -user "User Name" -domain "MYDOM"
$Role = Get-VIRole -Name "UserRole"
$Folder | new-vipermission -Role $Role -Principal $VIAccount -Propagate:$True


It all seems to stem from the USERNAME because there is a literal SPACE in the name "User Name"

Error Message is identified from the "New-VIPermission" cmdlet and it reports "Unable to find user or group named 'User Name'"

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