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VMware workstation + mouse duplication software (don't know what input settings I need)

Hello! I have vmware workstation and i'm having issues setting up the input devices. I'm using windows 10 in my vm with a program running a copy of a 3D player model inside a real world environment. I want to move my character on my host PC (running the same game +input director) and have it move the mouse left, right and be able to use the keyboard. I've got it to the point where I can use the keyboard in both and have movements reflect each player model.

Input director is a program that allows you to use one mouse across two separate computers. It broadcasts your keyboard and mouse signal to the 2nd device. You can configure it to mirror your mouse inputs. This program is installed on the W10 VM machine and on my host machine. Same resolutions, same windows install it's basically running two computers at the same time with one mouse.. So what input configuration do I need to get my mouse and keyboard to control both instances at the same time? When I log into the vm, fire up the game everything works fine as soon as i alt tab out and connect the keyboard mouse broadcast software the mouse on the guest vm stops working after I alt tab out and I only have control of the guest player via keyboard. no mouse control. Host session retains mouse and keyboard control..

Anybody have any ideas? Thanks!

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