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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Merge the VM Name,Guest,IP,ToolVersion,Host,Cluster,ToolStatus,NSX Security-Tag in Single For Loop and Single CSV

Newbie to PowerCLI & PowerNSX here.

So far managed to scramble around the pieces with different For loop, need help in merging it in single for loop and single output CSV file. For GuestToolStatus ExtendedData.GuestToolStatus didnt work.

$vmList = Get-Content -Path "C:\VM-List.txt"

$VMCustomReport = "C:\Report1-VMInfo.csv"

$VMToolStatusReport = "C:\Report2-VMToolsStatus.csv"

$VMSecurityTagReport = "C:\Report3-VMSecurityTag.csv"

$VMCustomInfo = @()

$VMToolStatusInfo =@()

$VMSecurityTagInfo =@()

foreach ( $vmName in $vmList )


   $vm = Get-VM -Name $vmName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

   if ($vm)



     $VMCustomInfo += ($vm | Select-Object Name , Guest ,

                            @{ N = "IP" ; E = {$vm.Guest.IPAddress}} ,

                            @{ N = "ToolsVersion" ; E = { $vm.Guest.ToolsVersion }} ,

                            @{ N = "Host" ; E = { $vm.VMHost}} ,

                            @{ N = "Cluster" ; E = { Get-Cluster -VM $vm }}





$VMCustomInfo | Export-Csv $VMCustomReport


foreach ( $vmName in $vmList )


   $vm = Get-VM -Name $vmName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

   if ($vm)



     $VMToolStatusInfo += ( $vm | Get-View | Select-Object @{ N = "VM Name " ; E = { $_.Name }} ,

                                                          @{ N = "VMTools Status" ; E = {$_.Guest.ToolsStatus}}





$VMToolStatusInfo | Export-Csv $VMToolStatusReport


foreach ( $vmName in $vmList )


   $vm = Get-VM -Name $vmName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

   if ($vm)



     $VMSecurityTagInfo += ( Get-VM -Name $vm | Get-NsxSecurityTagAssignment | Select-Object VirtualMachine , @{ N = "Security-Tag" ; E = { $_.securitytag.name}} )




$VMSecurityTagInfo | Export-Csv $VMSecurityTagReport

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