VMware Communities

windows xp 32 bit

I am running windows xp 32 bit on wk 12 in windows 10

I had a vmware set up a 40gb disk on the easy install method

I have no resized the disk to 200gb , when I completed this a window/box appeared informing me that that settings had made the changes but now I must do something from within the guest os

which I assume is xp tomake the actaul hard dirve the correct size?

I belive that the oriniginal disk is split into many smaller disks , as this was an option at the first install

sorrey for not being clear


1 Reply


Welcome to Workstation Community.

After you expanded virtual hard disk size in VM settings, you'll need to "do something" in Windows Disk Management of your guest OS to use the added space.

To open Windows Disk Management

1. Open "Start" menu,click "Run" (or Press [Win+r])

2. Type: diskmgmt.msc

3. Press [Enter]

4. You should be able to see about 160GB of unused spaces there

"do something" means

a) Expanding existing partition in your guest OS. This will depend on your current partition settings, in some cases, existing partition cannot be easily expanded by diskmgmt.msc. Then you may need a third-party partition tool which is more powerful than diskmgmt.msc.

b) Create a new partition with the unused space and mount the new partition with a new driver letter, like E:\.

Hope it helps.



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