VMware Communities

Virtual Machine can not connect to internet

I am using vmware workstation version : 8.0.3 build-703057.

I have installed windows server 2003 Enterprise Edition on this virtual machine

I have two issus since last automatic shut down of computer du to over heating.

When workstation was on, computer got turned off. I rerstarted computer and tried to start workstation again,  but I was getting message that workstation is alredy running. Which I could not see. Why does this happen ?

Computer was turned off before also and when I restart computer, I had to restart workstation and I was able to do so without any problem. I let the computer off for 5 hours or so and I am able to start workstatioin again.

But now internet is not getting coonnected
When I opened workstation, it would connnect to internet automatically. Suddenly, it is not connected to internet.

Why is that ? How to connect to internet ?

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4 Replies

Pos a screen shot of the 2003 VM settings.  Attach vmware.log.

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Please find screen shot and log attached herewith.

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I can  only suggest  you try to change the  Ethernet connection from NAT to Bridged.  This often helps with networking problems. Otherwise I'm afraid the vmware.log is beyond me.  Perhaps if you have a support plan with VMware you might want to contact them.:smileyconfused:

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From the vmware.log you copied and pasted into a Word document instead of just attaching the file itself!

2012-06-02T21:40:23.303-04:00| vmx| I120: DICT vmWizard.mruISO0.isoLocation = C:\Users\Jignesh\Downloads\Windows 7 Home Premium (64 Bit) by (oldBen)\Windows 7 Home Premium (64 Bit).iso

"Windows 7 Home Premium (64 Bit) by (oldBen)" is a illegal distribution of copyrighted work owned by Microsoft and since it appears you're using an illegally distributed copy of Windows I'm not going to offer any help just on principle much less it might be construed as a violation of the VMware Community Terms of Use to help knowing you're using an illegal distribution.

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