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VMware Workstation 16 Kernel module updater in Manjaro

I recently installed Manjaro Linux and installed VMware Workstation Pro using the .bundle file and when i tried to run it, it showed up the "VMware Kernel Module Updater"

Any help?


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1 Reply

Step 1: Install yay AUR helper

sudo pacman -S yay

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Install all required dependencies for running VMware Workstation on Arch Linux / Manjaro.

sudo pacman -S fuse2 gtkmm linux-headers pcsclite libcanberra 

The other package needed by the –console installer is ncurses5-compat-libs. This is available on AUR.

yay -S --noconfirm --needed ncurses5-compat-libs

Step 3: Install VMware Workstation Pro or Player

yay -S --noconfirm --needed  vmware-workstation

Then, as desired, enable some of the following services:

  • vmware-networks.service for guest network access
  • vmware-usbarbitrator.service for connecting USB devices to guest
  • vmware-hostd.service for sharing virtual machines


sudo systemctl enable vmware-networks.service  vmware-usbarbitrator.service vmware-hostd.service
sudo systemctl start vmware-networks.service  vmware-usbarbitrator.service vmware-hostd.service

Confirm services status with:

sudo systemctl status vmware-networks.service  vmware-usbarbitrator.service vmware-hostd.service

Lastly, load the VMware modules:

sudo modprobe -a vmw_vmci vmmon

To Launch VMware Workstation, run:

# Launch VMware Workstation Pro:
$  vmware

or VMware Workstation Player

# Launch  VMware Workstation Player
$ vmplayer


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