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VMWARE can't create Local Users and Group Accounts

When I install VMWARE Workstation as it gets to the end it gives me the error that VMWARE can't create the Local Users and Group entry. It then uninstalls itself.

I am running Windows XP Pro SP3 I'm not on a domain and I have administrator priveleges. What do I do? I have tried to add it manually and in the MMC

I see the VMWARE entry in the Users folder but no entry in the Group folder. I tried to add it manually in the Groups folder and it supposedly creates it but the entry doesn't show up.

When I try to create it again it gives me the error That the Specified Local Group already exists. however it doesn't show up in the Groups Folder.

When I use the CMD prompt and go to Net Localgroup I see the VM entry I created however it doesn't show up in GUI. When I try to install the software again it gives

me the same error as before saying it can't create the Local Users and Group entry. What do I do? I have been browsing everywhere and I can't find a solution.


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2 Replies

Do a clean uninstall - see kb 1308.

Remove your manually created vmware accounts.

Log in as local admin and set permissions on HKLM\SAM so that you and the system account have full access and can browse the whole SAM-tree.

Do the same for the HKLM\Security branch.

Try again


description of vmx-parameters:


Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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There is nothing to uninstall when it says that it can;t create the username and group it undoes what it tried installing automatically and says no changes were made to the system. It never completed a full install.

I will try the SAM idea when I get home.

When you say login as local admin what do you mean? Since this is my home computer my username is an Administrator.

Thank You

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