VMware Communities

USB Wireless Device Connected, but not working

Hi All,

I'm using Workstation 8.0.4 build-744019 on Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit 6.1.7601, Service Pack 1.

I have a VM guest running Ubuntu 12.04LTS x64, with the VMWare tools installed & everything (OS+VMWare) is up-to-date.

I also have an Edimax EW-7711USn usb wireless adapter.

What I need to to is use this usb wireless adapter inside the VM - to be used with applications like airodump-ng and hostapd.

As it stands, iwconfig shows the wireless interface (wlan0) and hostapd successfully creates an access point using wlan0 (which I can see using an another PC's wireless card).

The issue I'm facing is that for some reason the wireless card on the Linux guest VM cannot 'hear' packets. For example, if I run airmon-ng to put the usb card into monitor mode (which say's the cards chipset is unknown and driver is rt2800usb), and then run airodum-ng, nothing is displayed - even though there are 20+ wireless networks in my area.

Additionally, when running hostapd, I'm unable to connect to the access point just created (I've tested the hostapd config file on another machine and the AP is created properly and clients can connect).

Weirdly, in the Workstation USB Devices Menu, the wireless card is named "USB Device 7392:7711" - why is that?

I know for a fact that this card works with the version of Ubuntu as I have another machine which has Ubuntu running nativly (not on a VM).

Does anyone have any ideas why the card is not functioning properly inside the VM?



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1 Reply


After doing more research and trawling of google etc, I came across this answer:


Here it says to edit the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf file and add these lines to the end of the file:
blacklist rt2x00usb
blacklist rt2x00lib
blacklist rt2800usb
blacklist ndiswrapper

This seemed to fix my issue.



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