VMware Communities

Tracing parameters to RunProgramInGuest


I am trying to compile some project using VS6 installed on VMWare. I use the RunProgramInGuest command:

vmrun -gu user -gp password ".......vmx" "....\msdev.exe" "....dsp" /MAKE "prjct - Win32 Release"

But some where in the midle i am loosing parameters. I se that the VS starts and just opens a project. It does not see the rest of parameters.

May be it is a COMMAS issue.

Please help me to build the command to compile the project in quite mode.

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1 Reply

if you had

vmrun -gu user -gp password RunProgramInGuest myvm.vmx "c:\program files\some folder\something.exe" "msbuild /flags c:\my files\myproj.proj some more flags"

you might suffer that the parameters turn up as "c:\my" "myproj,.proj..."

What you can do is use escaped quotes within the quoted parameter, as the first quotes dont seem to be passed through to the guest.

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