VMware Communities

Port Fowarding

Hey there, Tommy here.

I'm having a little trouble Foarding my Ports, Here's my Situation.

I set up my MySQL Database for a Game Server im running.

I can get it to connect & recieve Server ping - Everything works fine,

However, I sent the game files to a friend with same information as I am using.

and he gets 0 ping, because I believe my Ports are not fowarded

I think I need ports, 22? 80? 29000 -> 29500? I'm not entirely sure.

I'm using a BT HomeHub K2 Router, and I havebeen into the settings and attempted to faward all ports within range to what I think was my VMware.

I dont really know what I am exactly doing, but I aso found out I can go (in VMWare)

Edit > Visual Netwrk Editor, I find my VMnet8, heres what it says; VMnet8 NAT NAT Connected Enabled xxx.xxx.xx.0

I went into NAT Settings an tried Adding to the Port Fowarding Box, I dont really kno how to fill it out though, I dont know hot to get ahold of my 'Host Port, or my 'Virtal Machine Port'  if anyone knows what I am talking about, some help would greatly be appreciated,

Sincere regards, Tommy.

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