VMware Communities

Need to manually uninstall Workstation Pro 16.2.1

Hi everyone 🙂

I had Workstation Pro 16.2.1 installed and tried to upgrade to 16.2.2 but my Windows 11 PC bluescreened when rebooting after installing the upgrade. Vmware failed to load when I logged in on the next boot.

Stupidly I uninstalled Vmware with geek uninstaller (force mode) and now when I try to install Workstation 16.2.2 the installer starts but does not load.

I need to manually uninstall the Workstation Pro install.

How do I do this??

I tried running the install cleaner here - https://communities.vmware.com/t5/VMware-Fusion-Documents/Vmware-install-Cleaner-utillty/ta-p/277556...

but it didn't work.

I really need to get this fixed.

Can anyone help?


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