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My virutal machine dont start after host bluescreen?


I run VMware Workstation 11 and my host got bluescreen when I boot up my virtual Windows 7 machine. Now I get this error when i try to start it.

The disk **.vmdk has one or more internal error that cannot be fixed. Restore from a backup copy of this disk.

The specified virtual disk need repair

Cannot open the disk **.vmdk or one of the snapshot disk it depends on.

Module disk Power on faild.

Failed to start the virtual machine.

When i try to repaier the disk with this command "vmware-vdiskmanger -R" I get this masseges:

VixDiskLib: Invalid configuration file parameter. Failed to read configuration file.

The virtual disk, **.vmdk, is corrupted and cannot be repaird.

Is there any way to get my machine up and running again? Or if in anyway I can access the file on the disk?

I add the log file from VMware.

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