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Multimonitor layout resetted sporadically

If I set the monitorlayout to two monitors, it wors for a short time, but it is resetted sporadically to one monitor.

2022-02-25T17:06:08.402Z In(05) vmx ToolsSetDisplayTopology: Sending rpcMsg = DisplayTopology_Set 2 , 1920 0 1920 1080 , 0 0 1920 1080
2022-02-25T17:06:08.590Z In(05) vcpu-1 Guest: DXUM_devapi: 2022-02-25T18:06:08.0590| Thread ID: 11104 |Application requested VM3DDevApi_Version3 (0x2)
2022-02-25T17:06:08.600Z In(05) vcpu-1 Guest: vm3d: Hot plug monitor number 1
2022-02-25T17:06:08.706Z In(05) mks SWBWindow: Number of MKSWindows changed: 2 rendering MKSWindow(s) of total 3.


2022-02-25T17:09:40.224Z In(05) vmx ToolsSetDisplayTopology: Sending rpcMsg = DisplayTopology_Set 1 , 0 0 1920 1080
2022-02-25T17:09:40.438Z In(05) vcpu-1 Guest: DXUM_devapi: 2022-02-25T18:09:40.0437| Thread ID: 1832 |Application requested VM3DDevApi_Version3 (0x2)
2022-02-25T17:09:40.540Z In(05) svga SWBWindow: Number of MKSWindows changed: 1 rendering MKSWindow(s) of total 2.
2022-02-25T17:09:40.540Z In(05) mks SWBWindow: Number of MKSWindows changed: 1 rendering MKSWindow(s) of total 3.
2022-02-25T17:09:40.540Z In(05) mks MKS Win32: Failed window creation for MKSWindowId=14: Invalid UI Window
2022-02-25T17:09:40.540Z In(05) mks MKS-HWinMux: Failed PreDefineWindow
2022-02-25T17:09:40.540Z Wa(03) mks MKS-HWinMux: HWin failed to define mksWindow (id=14).
2022-02-25T17:09:40.623Z In(05) mks SWBWindow: Number of MKSWindows changed: 1 rendering MKSWindow(s) of total 2.
2022-02-25T17:09:40.779Z In(05) vcpu-1 Guest: DXUM_devapi: 2022-02-25T18:09:40.0778| Thread ID: 1832 |ChangeTopology: Success (250 ms).

This behavior is only about in the last two month. This worked well for many years.




2 Replies

I have the same problem.

16.2.5 build-20904516

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I have the same problem using Workstation Player. It used to work fine up through version 15.5.7. Once version 16.0 was released, multi-monitor layout just seems to randomly reset. Sometimes once a day or so, sometimes as often as once every ten minutes -- in my experience at least.

It still occurs with version 17.5. I reported this to VMware tech support and was told to update VMware Tools to the current version. But that's never solved the problem. 

The interesting thing is that when I use the Update VMware Tools... command within the VM, it reports that version 12.1.5 is the most current version of VMware Tools, but tech support recommended manually installing the most current version posted at:


which is currently version 12.3.5


Nevertheless, the problem with randomly resetting multimonitor display layouts seems to me more like a problem with VMware itself rather than VMware Tools.

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