VMware Communities

Multiboot conversion

Hello people!  I need help here and I'm getting some info before I can proceed with my intention.

My goal is converting the current Windows XP OS into a VM. I've already read that it's possible converting a real OS into a VM, but I have some doubts here...

This computer has a multiboot menu loaded by Windows 10 bootloader. Then, I have the following OSes and partitions:

C:/   ==> Windows XP system      ==> HDD 1

D:/   ==> User data                        ==> HDD 2

E:/   ==> Windows 7 system         ==> HDD 2

G:/   ==> Windows 10 system       ==> HDD 1

Z:/    ==> Swap partition                ==> HDD 2

So, the questions are: if I convert only the XP system can VMWare boot it if the system is currently in a multiboot mode? Or will the OS loading crash?

What recommendations do you guys give in this case?

Thanks in advance.

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1 Reply

If you convert only the XP system you will get a VM that does not boot into Win 7 or Win 10.
Actually it is not ideal to run a VM with those 3 different guests with just a single vmx-file.
It is possible - but I rather suggest that you create 3 different VMs.
One for the XP, one for the Win7 and one for the Win10.

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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