VMware Communities

Map a drive to a Windows VM using command prompt

I am running a Hyper-V 2012 server core Virtual Machine on VMware Workstation 9.

I need to copy some files from the host PC to a folder on the Hyper-V server VM.

I have set up the shared folder in the setting of the Hyper-V VM to access the shared folder in the host PC. Since the VM does not come with the Windows GUI, how can I copy the shared folder files to some directory on the VM??

I reckon I need to use "net use" command. I have attempted but I don't seem to get the right way of doing it.

Does anyone know a solution? Appreciate your help.

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1 Reply

Yes, you can either use the command-line net use functions (I'm sure net help will list the syntax, or you can search for it).  Or, you can (with the guest shut down), on your host PC, map a drive to the guest's virtual disk, and copy files back and forth to the VM.  Just remember to disconnect the mapping when you are done, before you start the guest back up.  Workstation 9 has the drive mapping commands built into the menu, btw.

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