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How to install Vmware 6.5. File format with .bundle, whats that?

new to linux and now using kubuntu 8.04, then how to install .bundle? can someone guide me? even i downloaded the .rpm and convert to deb also failed to install from .deb....

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1 Reply

To use the bundle install, make the .bundle file executable (it is a shell script) and then execute it as root.

something like:

cd to directory where you downloaded the .bundle file

sudo chmod 755 VMware-xxxxx.bundle

sudo ./VMware-xxx.bundle

(xxxx is all the stuff that has to match the name of your download. The tab key is your friend.)

watch and answer questions.

Make sure you have the development stuff and kernel sources installed on your system, if not do

something like:

sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential xinetd

This installs the kernel headers and gcc stuff. The ` is the back tick.

(a search on the ubuntu forums will give you a lot of specifics)

If you get any specific errors during the install, you can post here or search over on the ubuntu forums, there is a lot of activity and help there for VMWare install.



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