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C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmware.exe [-n] [ path_to_vm .vmx] not works!!!

Hi to all, I have a VMWARE WorkStation 10.0.1 and HOST operating system in windows 8.1

I'm trying to run two virtual machines in two different vmware workstations, and I found this documentation:

VMware Workstation 10 Documentation Center

Where the command optiong -n seems to be what I'm looking for, However in the windows console CMD appears the following message:"Invalid argument -n".

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmrun.exe" -n "C:\mydirectory\W7 MB\W7 MB.vmx"

Anyone knows what happens? I don't understand what is happening because is the same instruction as in the documentation is explained

Thank you very much.

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1 Reply

The instructions you are referencing specify vmware.exe

If you want to use vmrun, use this link:


The problem that you are experiencing is that vmrun does not know what -n is. if you want to start a vm, you should use:

vmrun.exe start <path to .vmx>

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