VMware Communities

A fault has occurred causing a virtual CPU to enter the shutdown state" on boot of VM.


Im runing VMware Workstation and have this error after few minutes.

Host Win 10 , Guest Win 7


2020-07-21T10:27:19.569+02:00| vcpu-0| I005: PCIBridge4: ISA/VGA decoding enabled (ctrl 0004)

2020-07-21T10:27:21.828+02:00| vcpu-1| I005: SCSI scsi0:0: Unsupported command *UNKNOWN (0x46)* issued. --ok

2020-07-21T10:27:23.652+02:00| vcpu-1| I005: SCSI scsi0:0: Unsupported command *UNKNOWN (0x46)* issued. --ok

2020-07-21T10:27:27.397+02:00| vmx| I005: GuestRpc: Got RPCI vsocket connection 8, assigned to channel 2.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.655+02:00| vmx| I005: Guest: toolbox: Version: build-5214329

2020-07-21T10:27:27.659+02:00| vcpu-0| W003: GuestRpc: application toolbox, changing channel 65535 -> 1

2020-07-21T10:27:27.659+02:00| vcpu-0| I005: GuestRpc: Channel 1, guest application toolbox.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.659+02:00| vcpu-0| I005: DEPLOYPKG: ToolsDeployPkg_Begin: state=0 err=0, msg=null

2020-07-21T10:27:27.659+02:00| vcpu-0| I005: Tools: [AppStatus] Last heartbeat value 12 (last received 0s ago)

2020-07-21T10:27:27.659+02:00| vcpu-0| I005: TOOLS: appName=toolbox, oldStatus=0, status=1, guestInitiated=0.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.793+02:00| vmx| I005: TOOLS autoupgrade protocol version 2

2020-07-21T10:27:27.795+02:00| vmx| I005: Tools: Changing running status: 1 => 2.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.795+02:00| vmx| I005: Tools: [RunningStatus] Last heartbeat value 12 (last received 0s ago)

2020-07-21T10:27:27.823+02:00| vmx| I005: TOOLS Received tools.set.versiontype rpc call, version = 10278, type = 1

2020-07-21T10:27:27.823+02:00| vmx| I005: Tools_SetVersionAndType did nothing; new tools version (10278) and type (1) match old Tools version and type

2020-07-21T10:27:27.824+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsISO: Refreshing imageName for 'windows7' (refreshCount=1, lastCount=1).

2020-07-21T10:27:27.824+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsISO: open of C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig failed: Could not find the file

2020-07-21T10:27:27.824+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsISO: Unable to read signature file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig', ignoring.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.824+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsISO: Updated cached value for imageName to 'windows.iso'.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.824+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsISO: Selected Tools ISO 'windows.iso' for 'windows7' guest.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.825+02:00| vmx| I005: TOOLS updated cached value for isoImageExists to 1.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.825+02:00| vmx| I005: Starting copy guest manifest.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.839+02:00| vcpu-0| I005: Tools: State change '3' progress: last event 0, event 1, success 1.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.872+02:00| vcpu-1| I005: HGFileCopyCreateSessionCB: Successfully created the session.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.885+02:00| vcpu-1| I005: ToolsLoadManifestFileCB: Queuing a request to update the manifest information.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.886+02:00| worker-25952| I005: ToolsISO: Refreshing imageName for 'windows7' (refreshCount=1, lastCount=1).

2020-07-21T10:27:27.886+02:00| worker-25952| I005: ToolsISO: open of C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig failed: Could not find the file

2020-07-21T10:27:27.886+02:00| worker-25952| I005: ToolsISO: Unable to read signature file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig', ignoring.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.887+02:00| worker-25952| I005: ToolsISO: Updated cached value for imageName to 'windows.iso'.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.887+02:00| worker-25952| I005: ToolsISO: Selected Tools ISO 'windows.iso' for 'windows7' guest.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.887+02:00| worker-25952| I005: GetHostManifests: Extracting C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Local\Temp\vmware-Robert\manifest.txt.25952.iso.shipped manifest file.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.887+02:00| worker-25952| I005: ToolsISO: open of C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\windows.iso.sha failed: Could not find the file

2020-07-21T10:27:27.887+02:00| worker-25952| I005: ToolsISO: Unable to read hash file C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\windows.iso.sha, ignoring.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.888+02:00| worker-25952| I005: GetHostManifests: Done extracting the manifest file.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.888+02:00| worker-25952| I005: Win32U_GetFileAttributes: GetFileAttributesExW("C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\windows_avr_manifest.txt", ...) failed, error: 2

2020-07-21T10:27:27.890+02:00| worker-25952| I005: ToolsVersion: Status is too old because this is status of monolithic version and 31 more components.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.890+02:00| worker-25952| I005: Using ToolsMinVersion = 8384

2020-07-21T10:27:27.890+02:00| worker-25952| I005: ToolsVersionGetStatusWorkerThread: Tools status 1 derived from environment

2020-07-21T10:27:27.891+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsUpdateManifestInfoWorkerThreadDone: Compared tools manifest from host and from the guest. Status = 1.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.891+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsUpdateManifestInfoWorkerThreadDone: Updating the manifest info.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.891+02:00| vmx| A000: ConfigDB: Setting extendedConfigFile = "Clone of Windows 7, RS Logic 5000.vmxf"

2020-07-21T10:27:27.904+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsISO: Refreshing imageName for 'windows7' (refreshCount=1, lastCount=1).

2020-07-21T10:27:27.904+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsISO: open of C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig failed: Could not find the file

2020-07-21T10:27:27.904+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsISO: Unable to read signature file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig', ignoring.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.904+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsISO: Updated cached value for imageName to 'windows.iso'.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.904+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsISO: Selected Tools ISO 'windows.iso' for 'windows7' guest.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.905+02:00| vmx| I005: TOOLS updated cached value for isoImageExists to 1.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.905+02:00| vmx| I005: VMXVmdb_SetToolsVersionStatus: status value set to 'oldTools', 'tooOld', install possible

2020-07-21T10:27:27.905+02:00| vmx| I005: TOOLS installed legacy version 10278, available legacy version 11270

2020-07-21T10:27:27.905+02:00| vmx| I005: TOOLS manifest update status is 1

2020-07-21T10:27:27.905+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsISO: Refreshing imageName for 'windows7' (refreshCount=1, lastCount=1).

2020-07-21T10:27:27.905+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsISO: open of C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig failed: Could not find the file

2020-07-21T10:27:27.905+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsISO: Unable to read signature file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\isoimages_manifest.txt.sig', ignoring.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.905+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsISO: Updated cached value for imageName to 'windows.iso'.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.905+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsISO: Selected Tools ISO 'windows.iso' for 'windows7' guest.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.905+02:00| vmx| I005: TOOLS updated cached value for isoImageExists to 1.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.905+02:00| vmx| I005: TOOLS can be autoupgraded.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.905+02:00| vmx| I005: TOOLS VM tools upgrade policy 0

2020-07-21T10:27:27.905+02:00| vmx| I005: TOOLS global tools upgrade policy "manual"

2020-07-21T10:27:27.905+02:00| vmx| I005: TOOLS need not be autoupgraded according to upgrade policy.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.905+02:00| vmx| I005: TOOLS Setting autoupgrade-checked TRUE.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.936+02:00| vmx| I005: ToolsSetDisplayTopology: Sending rpcMsg = DisplayTopology_Set 1 , 0 0 1920 1200

2020-07-21T10:27:27.953+02:00| vmx| I005: TOOLS state change 3 returned status 1

2020-07-21T10:27:27.953+02:00| vmx| I005: Tools: State change '3' progress: last event 1, event 2, success 1.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.953+02:00| vmx| I005: Tools: State change '3' progress: last event 1, event 4, success 1.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.953+02:00| vmx| I005: Vix: [mainDispatch.c:4117]: VMAutomationReportPowerStateChange: Reporting power state change (opcode=2, err=0).

2020-07-21T10:27:27.953+02:00| vmx| I005: Tools: Changing running status: 2 => 1.

2020-07-21T10:27:27.953+02:00| vmx| I005: Tools: [RunningStatus] Last heartbeat value 12 (last received 0s ago)

2020-07-21T10:27:35.209+02:00| vcpu-1| I005: TOOLS call to ghi.guest.getExecInfoHash failed.

2020-07-21T10:27:35.372+02:00| vcpu-1| I005: TOOLS call to unity.get.binary.info failed.

2020-07-21T10:27:35.567+02:00| vcpu-1| I005: TOOLS call to ghi.guest.getExecInfoHash failed.

2020-07-21T10:27:35.837+02:00| vcpu-0| I005: TOOLS call to unity.get.binary.info failed.

2020-07-21T10:27:35.979+02:00| vcpu-1| I005: TOOLS call to ghi.guest.getExecInfoHash failed.

2020-07-21T10:27:36.016+02:00| vcpu-1| I005: TOOLS call to unity.get.binary.info failed.

2020-07-21T10:29:54.007+02:00| vcpu-1| I005: Triple fault.

2020-07-21T10:29:54.007+02:00| vcpu-1| I005: MsgHint: msg.monitorEvent.tripleFault

2020-07-21T10:29:54.007+02:00| vcpu-1| I005+ A fault has occurred causing a virtual CPU to enter the shutdown state. If this fault had occurred outside of a virtual machine, it would have caused the physical machine to restart. The shutdown state can be reached by incorrectly configuring the virtual machine, a bug in the guest operating system, or a problem in VMware Workstation.---------------------------------------

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2 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Version of Workstation?

Lots of mentions of VMware Tools, are they installed inside the guest OS?

Is this a new or old setup? If old, what might have changed recently?


Although I am a VMware employee I contribute to VMware Communities voluntarily (ie. not in any official capacity)
VMware Training & Certification blog
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Triple faults ?

Do you use corrupt ISO-files ?

Do you have games installed on your host / inside the guest that use aggressive anti-piracy protection tools ?

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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