VMware Communities

Windows 7 Professional SP1 Slows Down as time goes on...

Hi all,

An odd issue - I am running Ubuntu as my host OS with VMWare Player 6. My VM is Windows 7 Pro SP1. After booting everything up from scratch, performance is good, but as time goes on, it seems to degrade. Apps within the VM take longer and longer to load up.

If I leave it overnight without shutting down the VM or rebooting the host OS, the next morning, the VM is literally crawling performance-wise. I must shut everything down at that point and bring it all back up. That's the only way to get decent performance again.

Could this be some odd memory leak? Or some other factor that is causing this?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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1 Reply

To add some more details to this issue -

Host OS - Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit

Memory - 8GB

VMWare Player - 6.0.3 build-1895310

Guest OS - Windows 7 Professional SP1 64 bit

Guest memory - 3GB

vCPU - 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2620 @ 2GHz

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