VMware Communities

New virtual machine ( Squid proxy server / Debian ) available for download!

The VM is now ready for download:



9daea65f633b86adbf69ce03c265018a squidserver-minimal.tar.bz2

\** Thanks to Chris Hills in the UK for the hosting space. Smiley Happy **

More info about the VM here:


ID / password:

root / vmroot

user / vmware

\** SECURITY NOTE: ** End-users are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to change these default passwords as soon as possible, to avoid cracker attacks.

As root, ' passwd root ' and ' passwd user '.

Uncompressed: 542MB ; disk is limited to 1.5GB

The tar.bz2 weighs in at: 124,136,382 bytes.

--Feel free to create a .torrent and post the link here in this thread once you have the file seeded.

--More info about Squid:


--Reasons for creating this and sharing it with the community:

Once downloaded and running, this VM provides an instant level of additional security for web-browsing, by blocking user-defined sites / ads and acting as a proxy between you and the Internet. It also logs all URLs visited and caches up to 700MB of downloaded content.

Also, I wanted to "give something back" to the VMware developers who have worked so hard on their excellent software. Smiley Wink

--Example setup:

You can change your computer's IP to a static, non-Internet-routable address, such as // netmask; the VM obtains a DHCP address internally and also has a static address of //

By pointing your browser(s) and other internet-accessing programs to the proxy ( / port 3128) and not having a direct connection, you can track what is being downloaded; prevent unwanted Internet access; and share cached data between other computers on the network that are also using the proxy.

(Think Windows updates. Using a proxy is particularly effective on slow connections, even dialup.) You save bandwidth by blocking ads and other content that you don't want/need to see, and YOU have control over the proxy's settings. Hackers trying to get into the box will not see your Windows install and its associated ports, they can only try to get into the Linux VM.

Bonus feature: You can connect to another machine over the Internet using a VPN, and still be able to browse the Web by using the proxy. Smiley Happy

In other words, ENJOY and "have a lot of fun"! Smiley Happy

2006.0215 + Minor editing and additions; added password security warning

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49 Replies

FYI, you can add these lines to the end of /etc/inittab to activate several status displays:

5:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/open -f -c 5 -w -- /usr/bin/nice /usr/bin/ethstatus -S3m

6:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/open -f -c 6 -w -- /usr/bin/watch -n 30 /bin/df -h

8:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/tail -f -n 30 /var/spool/squid/access.log >>/dev/tty8

9:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/open -f -c 9 -w -- /usr/bin/top -s -d 10


What this does:

On tty5 ( alt-F5 ) shows realtime Ethernet traffic

On tty6, shows disk space usage every 30 sec

On tty8, shows the URLs that are passing thru Squid in near-realtime

On tty9, " top " CPU display updated every 10 sec


After adding those lines and saving inittab, you should ' kill -hup 1 ' to force inittab reload, and init will activate them.

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This virtual machine will be listed on the list of Community-built Virtual Machines later today at http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/vm/community.html

I have made the link this forum thread, so updates/news should be posted here.

0 Kudos

The Squid link to this thread from the Community page does not work...

Also, I should have torrent info sometime this weekend.

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Torrent now available for the Squid proxy server VM; much thanks to

The Linux Mirror Project ( http://www.tlm-project.org/ ) for hosting!

BitTorrent link:


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How is the timing problem solved (ensuring the same date/clock as the host) ... I assume that the Proxy is a non-GUI version ....

best regards

0 Kudos

No provision has been made by me, but you can always install VMware Tools. Or set up a cron job to do an ntpdate to pool.ntp.org every hour or so.

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I recommend the VMware Tools if they can be installed. The tools are available from either a Workstation 5.5 trial or VMware Server beta.

0 Kudos

Great machine! Unfortuantely, I'm a windows guy. I was able to get the box up and running in Workstation, but I would love to run it on ESX. I don't think I can run IDE drives on ESX. Any tips on converting the disk to SCSI? I tried a quick ghost to no avail. It hung at GRUB.



0 Kudos

I believe the IDE limitation applies to ESX itself, not to the virtual machines it hosts. You should have no problem using any image created with VMware Workstation. I shall verify this next week.

0 Kudos

Nope....Unfortuantely, ESX only supports SCSI virtual disks.

0 Kudos

Firstly, thanks for giving us this package - much appreciated.

Do you know if SARG (Squid Access Report Generator) is able to be installed and run with your package? Or maybe you have another form of reporting tool already built in?

Thanks for your help.

0 Kudos

Smiley Happy

Yes. I have used SARG myself with this configuration. However, you will probably have to make some config-file changes before it will work as expected. (Webmin is recommended for that.)




--Suggested additional software: (' apt-get update; apt-get install pkgname ')

o webmin -- For system configuration (Browser-based config: )

o webmin-squid

o calamaris -- Log analyzer

o sarg -- Squid analysis report generator

o webmin-sarg

o srg -- Detailed log analysis for squid

o squid-cgi -- Cache manager interface


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I've just finished installing the vmware tools, and it was not as easy as it could/should have been... So here are the steps I took, which will hopefully help someone out.

\[These instructions are for VMWare Server Beta (22874) on Windows Server 2003]

Installing VMWare Tools on Squid VM (Debian):

1. Mount Tools ISO

\* I find that the "Install VMware Tools..." option doesn't do anything, so we need to mount the ISO manually.

\* From your VMWare Server Console (or whatever), mount the ISO. Go to VM | Removable Devices | CDROM | Edit...

\* Select "Connected" at the top, and select "Use ISO image" half way down.

\* Select the VMware tools ISO, which is located at "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Server\linux.iso" or wherever you installed the application. Then click OK.

2. Mount CDROM within VM

\* type the following:

sudo -

mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /cdrom

cd /tmp

tar zxf /cdrom/VMwareTools-e.x.p- to the version you have. In my case, I ran

tar zxf /cdrom/VMwareTools-e.x.p-22874.tar.gz


umount /cdrom

\* You will now have a /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib directory. Don't run the installer yet.

3. Get the appropriate Kernel Header Source via apt-get

\* type the following:

apt-get update

apt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -r`

(note that those are not just apostrophies, they are backticks - on a US keyboard that char is below the tilde(~) char, above Tab, and next to the number 1)

4. Run the VMware Tools Installer

\* type the following:

cd /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib


(and just accept all of the default answers to the questions asked)

5. Update any other software you want to

\* As another poster says, there are lots of other tools you can get for Squid which are available via apt-get

\* Some of these include:

apt-get install webmin

(It's a good idea to have changed your root password before installing webmin. It uses different passwords for webmin, and copies your current root password for it's own use. I don't know where to change the webmin password, so make sure you have a good password before it gets copied!)

apt-get install webmin-squid

apt-get install calamaris

apt-get install sarg

apt-get install webmin-sarg

apt-get install srg

apt-get install squid-cgi

6. Enjoy!

\* You should have the VMWare Tools installed now. I don't know if they'll be much use - I was hoping they would help with the lag I experienced using a Virtual Machine, but it hasn't seemed to help (in fact probably wasn't intended to help for that issue).

\* I don't know if the Tools can be easily configured, as there is no X environment as part of this VM.

\* I don't know where to find instructions for setting up Time Sync without the X Toolbox. Let us know if you find them, and if it works!






VMware KB article with title "VMware Tools Installer Does Not Start Automatically", or


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To fix cdrom path to /cdrom in

"tar zxf /mnt/cdrom/" command

0 Kudos

Is there a way to resize the disk? I'm looking to install some additional tools and run up against the 1.5GB limit.

0 Kudos

Is there a way to resize the disk? I'm looking to

install some additional tools and run up against the

1.5GB limit.

To resize VM disks, use P2V on the virtual machine to create new virtual disks on the P2V host. I think you can convert the disk to SCSI as well.

0 Kudos

Its too much like hard work getting this up and running for novice linux person. Is there an idiots guide an available

0 Kudos

after running the installer script, i get

Unable to copy the source file ./installer/services.sh to the destination file


Execution aborted.

Any ideas why?

0 Kudos


      • Update: 2007.0417

I will be re-doing this VM very soon and hope to get it online within about a week!

o Debian 4.0 Stable

o SCSI HD for easier ESX deployment

o Some nice features enabled in inittab by default (bandwidth monitor, diskfree, top)

o Updated personal bash scripts

Stay tuned...

--If there's anything else you'd like to see in the VM image, please feel free to suggest; I would do a 64-bit version but my processor doesn't support 64-guests...

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      • Update 2007.0427

The new Squid-minimal V2 VM is now ready for download! Smiley Happy


2ec1695af8bc51e5abddc101d7a33f1f squidserver-minimal-v2.tar.bz2

DL Size: 112MB

117,602,091 2007-04-27 01:45 squidserver-minimal-v2.tar.bz2

(I am looking for volunteers for permanent hosting space, TIA)

--Get it here for now:



o SCSI HDs (1.6GB for / and Squid, and an extra 2GB empty disk included! -- but not activated by default, for those with minimal disk space.)

--To activate the extra space:

o Uncomment the entries in /etc/squid.conf and /etc/fstab

o Mount the partition

o Shutdown squid and then wait 30 seconds: ' squid -kshutdown '

o Create the new squid dirs: ' squid -z '

o Restart Squid (' /etc/init.d/squid start ')


--Vmware Tools is NOT installed, for space reasons.




--If you notice any issues/bugs, PLEASE let me know -- I did not get any "showstopper" bug reports from the Beta testers.

Misc notes:

o This VM was built on Server 1.0.2 instead of Workstation.

o The VM is supplied with a 2.6 --686 kernel by default. If anyone REALLY needs a -486 kernel, please let me know.

o Bridged networking is used by default, and the VM is expecting to grab a DHCP address on bootup.

o Default STATIC IP:

+ This can be changed by editing " /etc/network/interfaces " and then issuing ' /etc/init.d/networking restart '.

o All entries in squid.conf that were modified by me are preceded by an "XXX" comment. There have been substantial changes in the squid.conf file since my last VM rev; and while I made an effort to include some of the most major items, it has NOT been tested extensively yet and some options might be missing.

!! Please change the default passwords ASAP after you get it running to prevent cracker attempts.

--> Point browsers proxy settings to (vm-IP):3128 -- It will block a good amount of ads and pr0n. The blocking rules are in /etc/squid/ ( adsblock.txt, porn.txt, notporn.txt ) and you will need to issue a ' squid -kreconfigure ' if you modify those files.

o IPV6 is Disabled by default; the kernel module is bzipped in /root.

--See " /root/INSTALL-INFORMATION.txt " for (slightly) more details.

--There are a lot of homegrown Bash scripts included in /root/bin and /home/user/bin. Please feel free to let me know if they are useful to you. Smiley Happy


o This VM is provided Without ANY warranty whatsoever; if it runs over your $dogcatbirdlizard and sends all your backup tapes to East India, I take NO responsibility.

o That said, it should work pretty well out of the box, and I included (2) NICs this time for those who want to set the static address without using an Alias.

Happy caching!

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