VMware Communities

Can I use wireless LAN adapter in VMware Player?


Could someone tell me if it is even possible to connect to wireless network

using USB type wlan adapter?

I'm using vmware player 3.0.

When I insert usb dongle, I can see the wlan adapter icon is visualized in tray,

but I can't find the adapter in system-config-network.

It is same when I switch the network type to Bridged from NAT.

What I want to do is communicating with another wi-fi client from vmware player,

not through the host network.

Is it possible?

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2 Replies


Moved to the VMware Player forum.

You would need to use the network editor to allow a bridge out the wireless adapter.

Best regards,
Edward L. Haletky VMware Communities User Moderator, VMware vExpert 2009, 2010

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Could someone tell me if it is even possible to connect to wireless network

using USB type wlan adapter?

Yes it is.

I'm using vmware player 3.0.

When I insert usb dongle, I can see the wlan adapter icon is visualized in tray,

but I can't find the adapter in system-config-network.

It is same when I switch the network type to Bridged from NAT.

Are you connecting the Wi-Fi Network Adapter to the Host or to the Guest?

What I want to do is communicating with another wi-fi client from vmware player,

not through the host network.

Is it possible?

Yes. Connect both Wi-Fi Network Adapters directly to the Guests and configure them appropriately just as if this were between two physical machines.

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