VMware Cloud Community

using VMRC standalone from a linux X11-shell/desktop

I want to start vmrc from the shell. There by I use --user and --password. The information is seen in the process table.

tbasien  30572 16122 15 11:05 pts/100:00:01 /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmrc -H vc.tbsol.de -M vm-2035 --user=guggus --password=secret

I am looking for a solution like piping the username/password into the vmrc. Or for the mechanims the browser is calling the vmrc.

  • [tbasien@tab-ol7 vmware]$ echo "--user=guggus --password=secret" | /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmrc  ....

If the browser is doing that, something like onetime token is been used:

tbasien  29309 1 57 11:00 pts/100:00:04 /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmrc vmrc://clone:cst-VCT-520470d9-1afc-e628-429d-d3f422db38b2--tp-EF-82-14-92-15-6A-4F-20-D0-1B-D4-B8-24-C0-29-D0-7E-97-3D-14@vc.tbsol.de/?moid=vm-198
tbasien  29652 1  0 11:00 pts/100:00:00 /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-remotemks -@ vmdbPipeHandle=40; mksctrlPipeHandle=42; vm=_55D30650E400_vm-198; gui=true -H 44 -W -R -P 2 --wait-for-mksControl -# product=256;name=VMware Remote

Tx for Answer/ Hints


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