VMware Cloud Community

pnic is not active on vdswitch

I am trying to create a vds, but the problem I run into is my physical nic gets added but the uplink is not active. When I view the vds with the client the little uplink icon is grey shouldn't it be green. I am using the following powercli command to create the switch:

new-vdswitch -name $vdsName -location $targetDC -Version $switchVersion

Then I add the hosts:

Add-VDSwitchVMHost -VDSwitch $vdsName -VMHost $currHost -Confirm:$false

Inside a loop I add the pnic to the switch with:

Add-VDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter -VMHostPhysicalNic (get-vmhostnetworkadapter -VMHost $currHost[$i] -Name "vmnic3")  -DistributedSwitch $vdsName -Confirm:$false

After the last command I check the host and see the pnic was added to the vdswitch but the uplink isn't active. Is there a step that I am missing?

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1 Reply

No, these lines should be sufficient.

Are you sure that vmnic3 is "up" on the ESXi hosts ?

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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