VMware Cloud Community

new-folder function

I'm a bit confused. I try to create a new folder on one of my datastores. But this always stops with an exception. Anyone can provide me with a solution on how you create a folder? I even tried with the Datastore Provider. What says that this allows creation of new folders.

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3 Replies

The New-Folder cmdlet can be used to create a new folder in your vSPhere or VI not on your datastores.

For creating folders on a datastore, allthough I don't see why you would want to do that, you have to fall back on the APIs.

With the MakeDirectory method it can be done.

This is a sample script that uses this method

$dsName = <datastore-name>
$dirPath = <folder-path>          # Can be "Test" or something like "Test/SubTest" 

$fileMgr = Get-View FileManager 
$dc = Get-Datacenter -VMHost (Get-VMHost (Get-View (Get-Datastore -Name $dsName | Get-View).Host[0].Key).Name) | Get-View
$fileMgr.MakeDirectory((" " + $dirPath), $dc.MoRef, $true) 

Notice the third parameter on the MakeDirectoy method.

When this is $true the method will create all missing parent directories in the path as well.

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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I can tell you for what I will use this. We've got a ESXi server with two datastores at the same size. At the moment I can keep several copies of Virtual Machines on the seperate datastore. (I know this is not an offside copy, and therefore not to be considered as a backup)

Therefore I'd like to have a folder structure to keep my copies.


|_ 20090701

|_ server 1

|_ server 2

|_ server 3

|_ 20090702

|_ 20090703

and so on..


There seem to be a configuration issue somewhere on my server.

Get-VMHost : 01.07.2009 00:33:38 Get-VMHost VMHost with name 'zgvm1.my.domain.com' not found, using the specified filter(s).

At line:1 char:41

+ $dc = Get-Datacenter -VMHost (Get-VMHost <<<< (Get-View (Get-Datastore -Name

$dsName | Get-View).Host[0].Key).Name) | Get-View

+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Smiley Happy , VimException

+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Core_ContainerCmdletBase_ObjectNotFoundByName,VM


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Luckily there is another way of doing this without using the hostname.

It seems that the forum SW again played up with some of the square brackets I had in the script.

Use the attached file to make sure you have a correct version.

$dsName = <datastore-name>
$dirPath = <folder-path>          # Can be "Test" or something like "Test/SubTest" 

$fileMgr = Get-View FileManager
$dc = Get-Datacenter -VMHost (Get-VIObjectByVIView -MORef (Get-View (Get-Datastore -Name $dsName | Get-View).Host[0].Key).MoRef) | Get-View
$fileMgr.MakeDirectory((" " + $dirPath), $dc.MoRef, $true) 

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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