VMware Cloud Community

create alarms with powercli


I have a look in LucD scripts and ther was very helpfull, I have create a lot of personal simple alarms in my vSphere 4.1.

The script is not from me I have try to adopted the script from LucD.

But at the moment I have to create an Alarm (see screenshot) via powercli, and i don't know what is wrong in my script, I hope somebody can help me to finish my script.

Thank you in advance,


$vCenterServer = "vcenter-server"

$user = "username"

$pass = "password"

if ( $DefaultVIServers.Length -lt 1 )

Connect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Protocol https -User $user -Password $pass -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null


$alarmMgr = Get-View AlarmManager

# Create AlarmSpec object
$alarm = New-Object VMware.Vim.AlarmSpec
$alarm.Name = "510_Hosts-1"
$alarm.Description = "specific Alert definition"
$alarm.Enabled = $TRUE

# Event expression 1 - Host Connection State
# will change state to "Red"
$expression1 = New-Object VMware.Vim.EventAlarmExpression
$expression1.EventType = "EventEx"
$expression1.eventTypeId = "Host Connection State"
$expression1.objectType = "HostSystem"
$expression1.status = "red"

# Attribute comparison for expression 1
$comparison1 = New-Object VMware.Vim.EventAlarmExpressionComparison
$comparison1.AttributeName = "Host Connection State"
$comparison1.Operator = "isEqualTo"
$comparison1.red = "Disconnected"
#$comparison1.RedInterval = 300
$comparison1.yellow = "None"
#$comparison1.yellowinterval = 300

$comparison1.Value = "1"
$expression1.Comparisons += $comparison1

# Event expression 2 - VM MAC changed
# will change state back to "red"
$expression2 = New-Object VMware.Vim.EventAlarmExpression
$expression2.EventType = "EventEx"
$expression2.eventTypeId = "Host Console SwapIn Rate (KBps)"
$expression2.objectType = "HostSystem"
$expression2.status = "red"

# Attribute comparison for expression 2
$comparison2 = New-Object VMware.Vim.EventAlarmExpressionComparison
$comparison2.AttributeName = "Host Console SwapIn Rate (KBps)"
$comparison2.Operator = "isAbove"
$comparison2.red = 4096
$comparison2.RedInterval = 1
$comparison2.yellow = 1024
$comparison2.yellowinterval = 1

$comparison2.Value = "1"
$expression2.Comparisons += $comparison2

# Add event expressions to alarm
$alarm.expression = New-Object VMware.Vim.OrAlarmExpression
$alarm.expression.expression += $expression1
$alarm.expression.expression += $expression2
#$alarm.expression.expression += $expression3

# Create alarm in vCenter root

# Add action (send mail) to the newly created alarm
Get-AlarmDefinition $alarm.Name | New-AlarmAction -Script -ScriptPath 'd:\vcenter-alarmlog\virtual-machines.bat'

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7 Replies

What doesn't work ?

Is the alarm not created ? Or does the alarm not fire correctly ?

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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The alarm will be create but the Attribute and the Event Comparison will not fire correctly.

0 Kudos

An EventAlarmExpression doesn't have the yellow and red properties, those are used in MetricAlarmExpression.

Have a look at Alarm expressions – Part 2 : Event alarms, it shows how event based alarms should be created.

In fact what kind of alarm are you trying t create ?

Should it fire on an event, or a performance metric crossing a watermark ?

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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I hope the follow informations can help?

I tried to set folowing:

Righter general:

- Alarm Name: ....

- Alarm Description: ....

- Alarm Type Monitore: Hosts

            - Monitor for specific conditions or state, for example, CPU usage, powerstate

Righter Trigger (with 6 Trigger):

-  Trigger Type 1: Host Connection State

- Condition 1: Is equal to

- Warning 1: None

- Alert 1: Disconnected

-  Trigger Type 2: Host Console SwapIn Rate (KBps)

- Condition 2: Is above

- Warning 2: 1024

- Condition Length 2:  for 1 min

- Alert 2: 4096

- Condition Length 2:  for 1 min

-  Trigger Type 3: Host Console SwapOut Rate (KBps)

- Condition 3: Is above

- Warning 3: 1024

- Condition Length 3:  for 1 min

- Alert 3: 4096

- Condition Length 3:  for 1 min

-  Trigger Type 4: Host CPU usage (%)

- Condition 4: Is above

- Warning 4: 80

- Condition Length 4:  for 15 min

- Alert 4: 90

- Condition Length 4:  for 10 min

-  Trigger Type 5: Host Memory usage (%)

- Condition 5: Is above

- Warning 5: 90

- Condition Length 5:  for 15 min

- Alert 5: 100

- Condition Length 5:  for 10 min

-  Trigger Type 6: Host Power State

- Condition 6: Is equal to

- Warning 6: None

- Alert 6: Standby

0 Kudos

But I don't know how to do this? Maybe you can help me with an example?



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I have try to take the MetricAlarmExpression but if I used this, I receive an error with the EventType ="EventEx"

For example:

# Create AlarmSpec object
$alarm = New-Object VMware.Vim.AlarmSpec
$alarm.Name = "510_Hosts-1"
$alarm.Description = "specific Alert definition"
$alarm.Enabled = $TRUE

# Event expression 1 - Host Connection State
# will change state to "Red"
$expression1 = New-Object VMware.Vim.MetricAlarmExpression
$expression1.EventType = "EventEx"
$expression1.eventTypeId = "Host Connection State"
$expression1.objectType = "HostSystem"
$expression1.status = "red"

0 Kudos

Using a metric in an alarm is done differently.

See my Alarm expressions – Part 1 : Metric alarms post.

A MetricCounterId is not fixed, it can be a different ID in each vCenter. It depends on the components that are installed.

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference