VMware Cloud Community

VM's Shutdown, take Snapshot, power on, delete snapshot


I did get the below mentioned script created by LucD in one of the answers to a community

$VM = (Get-Content c:\temp\servers.txt)

foreach($vm in Get-VM -Name $VM){

    Shutdown-VMguest -VM $vm -confirm:$false

    while ($vm.ExtensionData.Runtime.PowerState -eq "poweredOn"){

        Start-Sleep -Seconds 2



    New-Snapshot -VM $vm -name (get-date)

    Start-VM -VM $vm


That helps me to start, though what my requirement is :-

Shutdown a VM

Check for ping status

Once down, take snapshot with the name as of that date & time, send a confirmation e-mail, say on Monday

Power on the machine. send a confirmation e-mail.

Same script will be scheduled to run after 2 day to have another snapshot on the same machine, say on Wed.

Now on Fri,  I need to take another snapshot of the name with that days date & time, once done

Delete the snapshot that was taken on Monday.

Power on the machine.

And it goes on ...as again on Mon, new snapshot after powering down & deleting the oldest snapshot i.e. taken on Wed. & then power it on send a confirmation e-mail.

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4 Replies

LucD any help ??

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I modified Luc's script according your requirements. I placed the removing of the snapshot part after starting the vm because removing a snapshot can take a long time. You want the vm to be powered off for the shortest time possible don't you? You have to modify the lines starting with Send-MailMessage and put your email addresses and smtp server at the right place.

$VM = (Get-Content c:\temp\servers.txt)
foreach ($vm in (Get-VM -Name $VM)){
  Shutdown-VMGuest -VM $vm -Confirm:$false
  while ($vm.ExtensionData.Runtime.PowerState -eq "poweredOn")
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
  $DateTime = Get-Date
  New-Snapshot -VM $vm -Name $DateTime
  Send-MailMessage -From user@domain.com -To user@domaincom -Subject "Snapshot $DateTime taken from VM $($VM.Name)" -SmtpServer smtpserver@domain.com
  Start-VM -VM $vm
  Send-MailMessage -From user@domain.com -To user@domaincom -Subject "Started VM $($VM.Name)" -SmtpServer smtpserver.domain.com

  # Remove snapshots older then 3.5 days
  Get-Snapshot -VM $vm |
    Where-Object {$_.Created -lt $DateTime.AddDays(-3).AddHours(-12)} |
    Remove-Snapshot -Confirm:$false

Blog: https://rvdnieuwendijk.com/ | Twitter: @rvdnieuwendijk | Author of: https://www.packtpub.com/virtualization-and-cloud/learning-powercli-second-edition
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I modified the script posted by RvdNieuwendijk to add error handling

Function New-OffLineSnapShot {

param (

     $sendUser = me@domain.com,

     $Receiver = Someone@user.net

     $SMTPServer = stmp.domain.com


Get-VM -Name (Get-Content c:\temp\servers.txt) | % {

     Try {

           Shutdown-VMGuest -VM $_ -Confirm:$false


     Catch {

          throw (New-Object System.Exception(“VM Guest shutdown failed.”,$_.Exception))

     While ($$_.ExtensionData.Runtime.PowerState -eq "poweredOn")   {
          Start-Sleep -Seconds 2

    Try {

          $DateTime = Get-Date

          New-Snapshot -VM $_ -Name $DateTime

          Send-MailMessage -From $sendUser -To $Receiver -Subject "Snapshot $DateTime taken from VM $($_.Name)" -SmtpServer $SMTPServer


     Catch {

          Send-MailMessage -From $sendUser -To $Receiver -Subject "Snapshot $DateTime taken failed from VM $($_.Name)" -SmtpServer $SMTPServer

          throw (New-Object System.Exception(“Take VM Snapshot failed.”,$_.Exception))


Try {
     Start-VM -VM $vm

     Send-MailMessage -From $sendUser -To $Receiver -Subject "Started VM $($_.Name)" -SmtpServer $SMTPServer


Catch {

     Send-MailMessage -From $sendUser -To $Receiver -Subject "Started VM $($_.Name) failed" -SmtpServer $SMTPServer

     throw (New-Object System.Exception(“Start VM failed.”,$_.Exception))


Try {

  # Remove snapshots older then 3.5 days
  Get-Snapshot -VM $vm |
    Where-Object {$_.Created -lt $DateTime.AddDays(-3).AddHours(-12)} |
    Remove-Snapshot -Confirm:$false


Catch {

     throw (New-Object System.Exception(“Error removing old snapshots.”,$_.Exception))



RvdNieuwendijk fabiendibot

I was trying to get the snapshot list for a particular machine to check it's picking the correct snapshot by just using a part of the script running directly on powercli but it's not providing any output? Any reason why?

PowerCLI D:\> $datetime = Get-Date

PowerCLI D:\> Get-Snapshot -VM machinename | Where-Object {$_.Created -lt $datetime.AddDays(-3).AddHours(-12)

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