VMware Cloud Community

Tagging code fails on VM with incorrect OS tag value

This code reads the running OS and writes the OS tag to the VM. It works as expected, except when a VM is tagged with an incorrect value for OS. I've tried several methods to catch the incorrect value and replace with the correct value. Using this: "Get-TagAssignment -Category "os" | Remove-TagAssignment -Confirm:$false", only the last vm in the list is correctly tagged, all other os tags are removed.

How can I deal with a vm that has an incorrect os tag?


$csv = Read-Host "please enter the .CSV file path\filename"

$CMDBInfo = Import-CSV "$csv"

ForEach ($item in $CMDBInfo)


    $Name = $item.Name

    $vm = Get-VM -Name $Name -PipelineVariable vm | ForEach-Object -Process {

    #Loop through each VM, get the Running OS, assign the Running OS tag



            $tag = Get-Tag -Category $cat -Name $vm.ExtensionData.Guest.GuestFullName -Server (([uri]$vm.ExtensionData.Client.ServiceUrl).Host) -ErrorAction Stop





            $tag = New-Tag -Name $vm.ExtensionData.Guest.GuestFullName -Category "os" -Server (([uri]$vm.ExtensionData.Client.ServiceUrl).Host)



        $present = Get-TagAssignment -Entity $vm -Category "os" | where{$_.Tag.Name -eq $vm.ExtensionData.Guest.GuestFullName}

            Write-Host "Assigning tag "$tag" to VM "$Name" "


        if(-not $present){


#          Get-TagAssignment -Category "os" | Remove-TagAssignment -Confirm:$false


            New-TagAssignment -Entity $vm -Tag $tag -Confirm:$false -Server (([uri]$vm.ExtensionData.Client.ServiceUrl).Host)





        Write-Warning -Message "Could not determine guest OS for $($vm.Name)"





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If I am understanding the problem, I think the fix should be pretty straightforward.

It looks like you grab what the os should be in $tag, and you grab what the tag currently is in $present

I am not reproducing your whole script, just how I think this would work for you.

$What_OS_Tag_Should_Be = $vm.ExtensionData.Guest.GuestFullName

$Current_OS_Tag = get-tagassignment -category "os" -entity $vm

if ($currentOSTag -notlike $WhatOSTagShouldBe)


        Get-TagAssignment -Category "os" -entity $vm | Remove-TagAssignment -Confirm:$false

        New-TagAssignment -Entity $vm -Tag $WhatOSTagShouldBe -Confirm:$false


I don't use tags all the time, but I believe this should work, or be really close for what you want

Conrad www.vnoob.com | @vNoob | If I or anyone else is helpful to you make sure you mark their posts as such! 🙂
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I suspect your ForEach loop might be wrong.
Try like this

$csv = Read-Host "please enter the .CSV file path\filename"

$CMDBInfo = Import-Csv "$csv"

Get-VM -Name $CMDBInfo.Name -PipelineVariable vm |

ForEach-Object -Process {

    if ($vm.ExtensionData.Guest.GuestFullName) {

        try {

            $tag = Get-Tag -Category $cat -Name $vm.ExtensionData.Guest.GuestFullName -Server (([uri]$vm.ExtensionData.Client.ServiceUrl).Host) -ErrorAction Stop


        catch {

            $tag = New-Tag -Name $vm.ExtensionData.Guest.GuestFullName -Category "os" -Server (([uri]$vm.ExtensionData.Client.ServiceUrl).Host)


        $present = Get-TagAssignment -Entity $vm -Category "os" | Where-Object { $_.Tag.Name -eq $vm.ExtensionData.Guest.GuestFullName }

        Write-Host "Assigning tag "$tag" to VM "$Name" "

        if (-not $present) {

            #          Get-TagAssignment -Category "os" | Remove-TagAssignment -Confirm:$false

            New-TagAssignment -Entity $vm -Tag $tag -Confirm:$false -Server (([uri]$vm.ExtensionData.Client.ServiceUrl).Host)



    else {

        Write-Warning -Message "Could not determine guest OS for $($vm.Name)"



Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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