VMware Cloud Community

Speeding up the retrieval of VM info

I forgot to mention;

I'm using VMware vSphere PowerCLI 4.1 build 264274 (running on Windows 2003 32 bit faster, on Windows 2008 64 bit is much slower).

IE setting 'Check for publisher's certficate revocation' = Unchecked

Hi there,

I am trying to build a PowerCli script that retrieves a set of VM properties by using the "fast way" of data retrieval. This method was described at

http://get-admin.com/blog/?p=704. Could anyone help me with completing this script? The second part contains a blocks that are not completed or making the script run slower. Any help would be appreciated.


My environment: vCenter 2.5 U6 , ESX 3.5 U5


$VMs= get-view -ViewType Virtualmachine -Filter @{"Name"="APPSRV*"}

ForEach ($vm in $VMs) {

$Report = "" | Select-Object VMname,InventoryPath, OverallStatus, GuestID, bootTime, enterBIOSSetup, bootDelay, syncTimeWithHost, toolsUpgradePolicy, guestHeartbeatStatus, guestMemoryUsage, hostMemoryUsage, overallCpuUsage, uuid, NetworkConnected, ConfigStatus, vmCreatedByUser,vmCreatedDate,ESXname,ClusterName,Respool,Datacenter,VmFolder,MemoryGB,vCPUcount,vNICcount,IPaddresses,VMXname,VMDKs,VMDKname,VmdkSizeGB,TotalVmdkSizeGB,DatastoreName,ToolsVersion,ToolsUpdate,NumCpuShares,CpuLimitMHZ,CpuReservationMHZ,NumMemShares,ReservationsMB,LimitMB,SnapshotCount,GuestOS,Mac,NetworkName,VMState,vDVDFile, vFloppyFile

  1. Start part with fast retrieval of VM info ............................

$Report.VMName = $VM.name

$esx=Get-View $vm.Runtime.Host -Property Name

$Report.ESXname = $esx.Name

$respool=Get-View $vm.Resourcepool -Property Name


$vMFolder=Get-View $vm.parent -Property Name



$current=Get-View $vm.parent


do {

$parent = $current

$path = $parent.Name + "\" + $path

$current = Get-View $current.Parent

} while ($current.Parent -ne $null)

$Report.InventoryPath = $path

$Report.DatastoreName = $VM.Config.DatastoreUrl

$Report.ToolsVersion = $VM.Config.Tools.ToolsVersion

$Report.ToolsUpdate = $VM.Guest.ToolsStatus

$Report.toolsUpgradePolicy = $VM.Config.Tools.toolsUpgradePolicy

$Report.VMState = $VM.summary.runtime.powerState



$Report.VMXname = $VM.summary.config.VmPathName


$Report.GuestID = $VM.Guest.guestId

$Report.GuestOS = $VM.Guest.GuestFullName

$Report.vNICcount = $VM.summary.config.numEthernetCards

$Report.IPaddresses = $VM.Guest.IPAddress






$Report.CpuLimitMHZ = $VM.config.cpuAllocation.limit

$Report.CpuReservationMHZ = $VM.config.cpuAllocation.Reservation


$Report.NumMemShares = $VM.resourceConfig.memoryAllocation.shares.shares


$Report.LimitMB = $VM.config.memoryAllocation.limit

$Report.ReservationsMB = $VM.config.memoryAllocation.Reservation

$Report.bootDelay = $VM.config.bootOptions.bootDelay

$Report.enterBIOSSetup = $VM.config.bootOptions.enterBIOSSetup

$Report.guestHeartbeatStatus = $vm.summary.quickStats.guestHeartbeatStatus

$Report.guestMemoryUsage = $vm.summary.quickStats.guestMemoryUsage

$Report.hostMemoryUsage = $vm.summary.quickStats.hostMemoryUsage

$Report.overallCpuUsage = $vm.summary.quickStats.overallCpuUsage

$Report.SnapshotCount = $VM.Layout.Snapshot.Count

  1. End part with fast retrieval of vm info ...................................

  1. Start part that should be completed/rewritten/tuned/optimized

  1. Q1: This one works but it makes the existing script run 400% slower .... how to make same speed as above?"

$VMHardDisks = Get-VM $vm.name| Get-HardDisk

$HardDisksSizesGB = @()

$Temp = $VMHardDisks | ForEach-Object { $HardDisksSizesGB += ::Round($_.CapacityKB/1MB) }

$VmdkSizeGB = ""

$Temp = $HardDisksSizesGB | ForEach-Object { $VmdkSizeGB = "$_" }

$VmdkSizeGB = $VmdkSizeGB.TrimEnd("+")

$TotalHardDisksSizeGB = 0

$Temp = $HardDisksSizesGB | ForEach-Object { $TotalHardDisksSizeGB += $_ }

$VMDKnames = @()

$Temp = $VMHardDisks | ForEach-Object { $VMDKnames += $_.Filename.Split("/")[1] }


$Report.VMDKname = $VMDKnames

$Report.VmdkSizeGB = $VmdkSizeGB

$Report.TotalVmdkSizeGB = $TotalHardDisksSizeGB

  1. ........................................................

  1. Q2: How to integrate this? Show me connected .ISO file (if any present)"

  1. config.hardware.device[3000].backing.deviceName

  1. config.hardware.device[3000].deviceInfo.summary

  1. config.hardware.device[3000].backing.fileName

  1. config.hardware.device[3000].connectable.connected

  1. config.hardware.device[3000].connectable.startConnected

  1. $Report.vDVDFile =

  1. ........................................................

  1. Q3: How to integrate this? Show me connected .FLP file (if any present)"

  1. config.hardware.device[8000].backing.deviceName

  1. config.hardware.device[8000].deviceInfo.summary

  1. config.hardware.device[8000].backing.fileName

  1. config.hardware.device[8000].connectable.connected

  1. config.hardware.device[8000].connectable.startConnected

  1. $Report.vFloppyFile=

  1. ........................................................

  1. Q4: How to find cluster name? (with same speed as above)

  1. $esxcls=Get-View $vm.Cluster -Property Name

  1. $Report.ClusterName=$esxcls.Name

  1. $Report.ClusterName=($_.name | Get-Cluster).Name

  1. This one works but it makes the existing script run 400% slower

  1. $Report.ClusterName=(Get-Cluster -VMHost $esx.Name)

  1. ........................................................

  1. Q5: How to find Datacenter name? (with same speed as above)

  1. $Report.Datacenter=get-view $vm.Datacenter -Property Name

  1. $Report.Datacenter=($_ | Get-Datacenter).Name

  1. ........................................................

Write-Output $Report


$Report | Export-Csv "D:\VMreport.txt" -noTypeInformation

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9 Replies

Before I reply a quick question, are you using PowerCLI 4.1 or an older version ?

You can check with



Blog: LucD notes

Twitter: lucd22

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

0 Kudos

I forgot to mention;

I'm using VMware vSphere PowerCLI 4.1 build 264274 (running on Windows 2003 32 bit faster, on Windows 2008 64 bit is much slower).

IE setting 'Check for publisher's certficate revocation' = Unchecked

0 Kudos

Ok, made a few changes and answered the questions.

Should be faster.

I attached the script since it contains some square brackets and the forum SW doesn't like these.


Blog: LucD notes

Twitter: lucd22

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

0 Kudos


Everything is working super except the part regarding the retrieval of vmdk info (Q1). I guess it's because i'm running this script against the vCenter 2.5U6/ESX 3.5U5 and not against vCenter 4.x/vSphere 4.x. I tried to crawl the path with MOB but i don't see layoutex. I see only layout. Maybe that's the reason.

The error message i'm getting:

Cannot index into a null array.

At E:\My_Datacenter\Software\vPC\BTJOB0001\vminventory3.ps1:86 char:30

+ $tmp = $vm.LayoutEx.File[ <<<< $_]

+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Smiley Happy [], RuntimeException

+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NullArray

If you have any idea how to solve this it would be great otherwise I'll stick to old method until i migrate the environment to vSphere 4.x.

I'll wait for your response or otherwise i'll consider this question as answered (With capital A and thank you for your help)

0 Kudos

Well as you stated in : http://communities.vmware.com/message/1550266#1550266. The layoutex is new property in vCenter4.x/vSphere 4.x

0 Kudos

My fault, should have seen that you're using API 2.5.

But no problem, there's more than one way to skin a cat Smiley Happy

Try the attached version.

Is the speed satisfactory ?


Blog: LucD notes

Twitter: lucd22

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

0 Kudos

It's working, It retrieves the names of vmdks and count of vmdks

but it can't retrieve the size:

I guess this line doesn't do anything (because $VmdkSize is not calculated and summarized value returns 0).

$VmdkSizeGB += (::round($VmdkSize/1MB))

This is the output part which results in:


VMDKs : 2

VMDKname : [ insert to SQL db with SQLbulkCopy option. And post it back.

I know one thing for sure. My other VM inventory scripts based on 'Get-VM' are obsolete. What a huge difference.

0 Kudos

Forgot to edit that line.

It should say

		$VmdkSizeGB += ([math]::round($_.capacityInKB/1MB))

Sorry about that


Blog: LucD notes

Twitter: lucd22

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

0 Kudos


I tried this before i replied with $_.capacityKB instead of $_.capacityInKB. I didn't pay attention too.

Well, that was a solution. I made a small change (line 33) in order to determine inventory path otherwise i get duplicated path info on every iteration.

It works. Perfect. The final code is posted back.

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