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Show NSX Edge form factor from vCloud Director


Please tell me if there is a way to collect NSX Edge form factor from vCloud Director using PowerCLI.

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It's possible to do it better:

## Connect to vCloud Director before running this scripts
$Edges = Get-EdgeGateway ## Collect list of all NSX Edges

## Custom Object view
$myView = @()
Foreach ($Edge in $Edges) {
    $Report = [PSCustomObject] @{
            Name = $Edge.Name
			FormFactor = ($Edge).ExtensionData.Configuration.GatewayBackingConfig
			Organization = $Edge.OrgVDC.Org
			OrgDesc = $Edge.OrgVDC.Org.Description
            OrgVDC = $Edge.OrgVdc
    $MyView += $Report

## https://devblogs.microsoft.com/powershell/why-cant-i-pipe-format-table-to-export-csv-and-get-something-useful/
$MyView | export-csv edgesD.csv ## Export all the things to CSV

View solution in original post

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Have you checked the PowerNSX module?

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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I have tried it. Am I right that it's not possible to run PowerNSX on vCloud Director level?

Anyway, it's possible to combine vCenter and vCloud output.


Using PowerNSX it's possible to  find form-factor in xml with PowerNSX, it's called applianceSize

*<applianceSize>*</applianceSize>* in

Get-NsxEdge | fl Name,OuterXml



But how to extract this value using PowerShell?

It's somehow can not be parsed in PowerShell with [xml]

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Are you saying that a cast with [XML] of the OuterXml property does not work?
What does the following show?

Get-NsxEdge | Format-Custom

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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I have replaces customer name since it is required in our company.

$appliancesize = Get-NsxEdge "vse-CUSTOMER-vc7-edge (fc328f3f-c501-412d-a2c7-e961a4528e12)" | Format-Custom
PS C:\tmp> $appliancesize

class XmlElement
  id = edge-4
  version = 20
  status = deployed
  datacenterMoid = datacenter-2
  datacenterName = N1-DC
  tenant = 10c953c0-11bc-4d3c-b0eb-e446588c792b
  name = vse-CUSTOMER-vc7-edge (fc328f3f-c501-412d-a2c7-e961a4528e12)
  fqdn = vse-fc328f3f-c501-412d-a2c7-e961a4528e12
  enableAesni = true
  enableFips = false
  vseLogLevel = info
  vnics =
    class XmlElement
      vnic =
          class XmlElement
            label = vNic_0
            name = vnic0
            addressGroups =
              class XmlElement
                addressGroup =
                  class XmlElement
                    primaryAddress =
                    subnetMask =
                    subnetPrefixLength = 24
            mtu = 1500
            type = uplink
            isConnected = true
            index = 0
            portgroupId = dvportgroup-73
            portgroupName = vc7-internet-650
            enableProxyArp = false
            enableSendRedirects = true
          class XmlElement
            label = vNic_1
            name = vnic1
            addressGroups =
              class XmlElement
                addressGroup =
                  class XmlElement
                    primaryAddress =
                    subnetMask =
                    subnetPrefixLength = 24
            mtu = 1500
            type = internal
            isConnected = true
            index = 1
            portgroupId = dvportgroup-130
            portgroupName = dvs.VCDVSLTcompany-VC7-routed-77e8f124-2674-4a99-94d1-ec5f0a69e4a5
            enableProxyArp = false
            enableSendRedirects = true
          class XmlElement
            label = vNic_2
            name = vnic2
            addressGroups =
            mtu = 1500
            type = internal
            isConnected = false
            index = 2
            enableProxyArp = false
            enableSendRedirects = true
          class XmlElement
            label = vNic_3
            name = vnic3
            addressGroups =
            mtu = 1500
            type = internal
            isConnected = false
            index = 3
            enableProxyArp = false
            enableSendRedirects = true

  appliances =
    class XmlElement
      applianceSize = compact
      appliance =
        class XmlElement
          highAvailabilityIndex = 0
          vcUuid = 501dd886-11f4-dabd-b61e-74e00d7ace1b
          vmId = vm-278756
          resourcePoolId = resgroup-72
          resourcePoolName = System vDC (9728535b-5762-4d22-aabc-2577b45f5ba0)
          datastoreId = datastore-165069
          datastoreName = IBM_SSD1_NORD3_ID61
          hostId = host-1852
          hostName = n1c3s6.dtln.ru
          vmFolderId = group-v81
          vmFolderName = V
          vmHostname = vse-fc328f3f-c501-412d-a2c7-e961a4528e12-0
          vmName = vse-CUSTOMER-vc7-edge (fc328f3f-c501-412d-a2c7-e961a4528e12)-0
          deployed = true
          cpuReservation =
            class XmlElement
              limit = -1
              reservation = 64
          memoryReservation =
            class XmlElement
              limit = -1
              reservation = 256
          edgeId = edge-4
          configuredResourcePool =
            class XmlElement
              id = resgroup-72
              name = System vDC (9728535b-5762-4d22-aabc-2577b45f5ba0)
              isValid = true
          configuredDataStore =
            class XmlElement
              id = datastore-74
              isValid = false
          configuredHost =
            class XmlElement
              id = host-32
              name = n1c3s5.dtln.ru
              isValid = true
          configuredVmFolder =
            class XmlElement
              id = group-v81
              name = V
              isValid = true
      deployAppliances = true
  cliSettings =
    class XmlElement
      remoteAccess = false
      userName = admin
      sshLoginBannerText =

      This computer system is the private property of its owner, whether
      individual, corporate or government.  It is for authorized use only.
      Users (authorized or unauthorized) have no explicit or implicit
      expectation of privacy.

      Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be
      intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and
      disclosed to your employer, to authorized site, government, and law
      enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of government
      agencies, both domestic and foreign.

      By using this system, the user consents to such interception, monitoring,
      recording, copying, auditing, inspection, and disclosure at the
      discretion of such personnel or officials.  Unauthorized or improper use
      of this system may result in civil and criminal penalties and
      administrative or disciplinary action, as appropriate. By continuing to
      use this system you indicate your awareness of and consent to these terms
      and conditions of use. LOG OFF IMMEDIATELY if you do not agree to the
      conditions stated in this warning.

      passwordExpiry = 99999
  features =
    class XmlElement
      nat =
        class XmlElement
          version = 14
          enabled = true
          natRules =
          nat64Rules =
      l2Vpn =
        class XmlElement
          version = 9
          enabled = false
          logging =
            class XmlElement
              enable = true
              logLevel = notice
      featureConfig =


      dns =
        class XmlElement
          version = 10
          enabled = false
          cacheSize = 16
          listeners =
            class XmlElement
              vnic = any
          dnsViews =
            class XmlElement
              dnsView =
                class XmlElement
                  viewId = view-0
                  name = vsm-default-view
                  enabled = true
                  viewMatch =
                    class XmlElement
                      ipAddress = any
                      vnic = any
                  recursion = false
          logging =
            class XmlElement
              enable = false
              logLevel = info
      syslog =
        class XmlElement
          version = 3
          enabled = false
      sslvpnConfig =
        class XmlElement
          version = 9
          enabled = false
          logging =
            class XmlElement
              enable = true
              logLevel = notice
          advancedConfig =
            class XmlElement
              enableCompression = false
              forceVirtualKeyboard = false
              randomizeVirtualkeys = false
              preventMultipleLogon = false
              clientNotification =
              enablePublicUrlAccess = false
              timeout =
                class XmlElement
                  forcedTimeout = 0
                  sessionIdleTimeout = 10
          clientConfiguration =
            class XmlElement
              autoReconnect = true
              upgradeNotification = false
          layoutConfiguration =
            class XmlElement
              portalTitle = VMware
              companyName = VMware
              logoExtention = jpg
              logoUri = /api/4.0/edges/edge-4/sslvpn/config/layout/images/portallogo
              logoBackgroundColor = 56A2D4
              titleColor = 996600
              topFrameColor = 000000
              menuBarColor = 999999
              rowAlternativeColor = FFFFFF
              bodyColor = FFFFFF
              rowColor = F5F5F5
          authenticationConfiguration =
            class XmlElement
              passwordAuthentication =
                class XmlElement
                  authenticationTimeout = 1
                  primaryAuthServers =
                  secondaryAuthServer =
      highAvailability =
        class XmlElement
          version = 10
          enabled = false
          declareDeadTime = 15
          logging =
            class XmlElement
              enable = false
              logLevel = info
          security =
            class XmlElement
              enabled = false
      routing =
        class XmlElement
          version = 15
          enabled = true
          routingGlobalConfig =
            class XmlElement
              ecmp = false
              logging =
                class XmlElement
                  enable = false
                  logLevel = info
          staticRouting =
            class XmlElement
              defaultRoute =
                class XmlElement
                  vnic = 0
                  gatewayAddress =
                  adminDistance = 1
              staticRoutes =
          ospf =
            class XmlElement
              enabled = false
              ospfAreas =
                class XmlElement
                  ospfArea =

              ospfInterfaces =
              redistribution =
                class XmlElement
                  enabled = false
                  rules =
              gracefulRestart = true
              defaultOriginate = false
      gslb =
        class XmlElement
          version = 3
          enabled = false
          logging =
            class XmlElement
              enable = false
              logLevel = info
      firewall =
        class XmlElement
          version = 6
          enabled = true
          globalConfig =
            class XmlElement
              tcpPickOngoingConnections = false
              enableFtpLooseMode = false
              tcpAllowOutOfWindowPackets = false
              tcpSendResetForClosedVsePorts = true
              dropInvalidTraffic = true
              logInvalidTraffic = false
              tcpTimeoutOpen = 30
              tcpTimeoutEstablished = 21600
              tcpTimeoutClose = 30
              udpTimeout = 60
              icmpTimeout = 10
              icmp6Timeout = 10
              ipGenericTimeout = 120
              enableSynFloodProtection = false
              logIcmpErrors = false
              dropIcmpReplays = false
              enableSnmpAlg = true
              enableFtpAlg = true
              enableTftpAlg = true
          defaultPolicy =
            class XmlElement
              action = accept
              loggingEnabled = false
          firewallRules =
            class XmlElement
              firewallRule =
                  class XmlElement
                    id = 131074
                    ruleTag = 131074
                    name = firewall
                    ruleType = internal_high
                    enabled = true
                    loggingEnabled = false
                    description = firewall
                    action = accept
                    source = source
                  class XmlElement
                    id = 131073
                    ruleTag = 131073
                    name = default rule for ingress traffic
                    ruleType = default_policy
                    enabled = true
                    loggingEnabled = false
                    description = default rule for ingress traffic
                    action = accept

      loadBalancer =
        class XmlElement
          version = 3
          enabled = false
          enableServiceInsertion = false
          accelerationEnabled = false
          monitor =
              class XmlElement
                monitorId = monitor-1
                type = tcp
                interval = 5
                timeout = 15
                maxRetries = 3
                name = default_tcp_monitor
              class XmlElement
                monitorId = monitor-2
                type = http
                interval = 5
                timeout = 15
                maxRetries = 3
                method = GET
                url = /
                name = default_http_monitor
              class XmlElement
                monitorId = monitor-3
                type = https
                interval = 5
                timeout = 15
                maxRetries = 3
                method = GET
                url = /
                name = default_https_monitor

          logging =
            class XmlElement
              enable = false
              logLevel = info
      ipsec =
        class XmlElement
          version = 3
          enabled = false
          logging =
            class XmlElement
              enable = true
              logLevel = warning
          sites =
          global =
            class XmlElement
              psk = ******
              caCertificates =
              crlCertificates =
      bridges =
        class XmlElement
          version = 9
          enabled = false
      dhcp =
        class XmlElement
          version = 9
          enabled = false
          staticBindings =
          ipPools =
          logging =
            class XmlElement
              enable = false
              logLevel = info
  autoConfiguration =
    class XmlElement
      enabled = true
      rulePriority = high
  type = gatewayServices
  isUniversal = false
  hypervisorAssist = false
  queryDaemon =
    class XmlElement
      enabled = false
      port = 5666
  tunnels =
  edgeSummary =
    class XmlElement
      objectId = edge-4
      objectTypeName = Edge
      vsmUuid = 42353918-DC8E-5F34-05DC-B4C7FD137C8D
      nodeId = 1e4e7bec-1a59-4f51-a40b-b15c9b7f8b6a
      revision = 20
      type =
        class XmlElement
          typeName = Edge
      name = vse-CUSTOMER-vc7-edge (fc328f3f-c501-412d-a2c7-e961a4528e12)
      clientHandle =
      extendedAttributes =
      isUniversal = false
      universalRevision = 0
      isTemporal = false
      isUpgradeAvailable = true
      id = edge-4
      state = deployed
      edgeType = gatewayServices
      datacenterMoid = datacenter-2
      datacenterName = N1-DC
      tenantId = 10c953c0-11bc-4d3c-b0eb-e446588c792b
      apiVersion = 4.0
      edgeStatus = GREEN
      numberOfConnectedVnics = 2
      appliancesSummary =
        class XmlElement
          vmVersion = 6.4.6
          vmBuildInfo = 6.4.6-14780962
          applianceSize = compact
          fqdn = vse-fc328f3f-c501-412d-a2c7-e961a4528e12
          numberOfDeployedVms = 1
          activeVseHaIndex = 0
          vmMoidOfActiveVse = vm-278756
          vmNameOfActiveVse = vse-CUSTOMER-vc7-edge (fc328f3f-c501-412d-a2c7-e961a4528e12)-0
          hostMoidOfActiveVse = host-1852
          hostNameOfActiveVse = n1c3s6.dtln.ru
          resourcePoolMoidOfActiveVse = resgroup-72
          resourcePoolNameOfActiveVse = System vDC (9728535b-5762-4d22-aabc-2577b45f5ba0)
          dataStoreMoidOfActiveVse = datastore-165069
          dataStoreNameOfActiveVse = IBM_SSD1_NORD3_ID61
          statusFromVseUpdatedOn = 1618330021131
          communicationChannel = msgbus
          enableFips = false
      hypervisorAssist = false
      allowedActions =
        class XmlElement
          string =
              Change Log Level
              Add Edge Appliance
              Delete Edge Appliance
              Edit Edge Appliance



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That looks like a regular XML structure.
Which element in there is the one you need?

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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I need to get

applianceSize = compact

as variable.

The variable must contain what is after '='

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Does this not return the values?



Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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For 1 edge it's working. I'll try to collect info for full cloud, it will take a few days.

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It's possible to do it better:

## Connect to vCloud Director before running this scripts
$Edges = Get-EdgeGateway ## Collect list of all NSX Edges

## Custom Object view
$myView = @()
Foreach ($Edge in $Edges) {
    $Report = [PSCustomObject] @{
            Name = $Edge.Name
			FormFactor = ($Edge).ExtensionData.Configuration.GatewayBackingConfig
			Organization = $Edge.OrgVDC.Org
			OrgDesc = $Edge.OrgVDC.Org.Description
            OrgVDC = $Edge.OrgVdc
    $MyView += $Report

## https://devblogs.microsoft.com/powershell/why-cant-i-pipe-format-table-to-export-csv-and-get-something-useful/
$MyView | export-csv edgesD.csv ## Export all the things to CSV
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