VMware Cloud Community

Script to match a VM that shows 2 datastores

been working on this for a few... err... long time. searched all over an i just can't find what i need, not complete anyway.

I have several hundred VMs that we did a svmotion from one datastore to another. about 20% of them did what is called linked-cloning and left the old datastore listed. Its not critical we fix this but we need to for future reasons and we know the easiest fix is to just create a snapshot which for whatever reason kicks the VM into realizing the old datastore isn't active.

I'm trying to write a script that would check a cluster for VMs with 2 datastores listed matching XXX1 and XXX2

here is what i have:

$vms = Get-Cluster "drscluster01" |Get-VM |Get-Datastore |where {$_.Name -match "XXX1" }|where {$_.Name -match "XXX2"}

Foreach ($Vm in $Vms) {

Write-Host "test"


obviously write-host "test" just tells me its found, i plan on putting in create-snapshot for it once i know it works. More importantly is I can't get them to match 1 name let alone 2.

Any help would be appreciated Smiley Happy

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3 Replies

Take a look at my solution in this thread .

Regards, Robert

Blog: https://rvdnieuwendijk.com/ | Twitter: @rvdnieuwendijk | Author of: https://www.packtpub.com/virtualization-and-cloud/learning-powercli-second-edition
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Thanks, i did look at something like that earlier but it didn't do what i wanted. I wrote this.

This script is specifically designed to go through a Cluster, check for 2 datastores with matching "name1" and "name2", creates a snapshot and then deletes it. Its purposed was for svmotion linked-clone issue where a svmotion attempt would be successful but still leave trace of the old datastore. This messed up our reports and was the reason for this script.

Probably a one time deal, but its nice event though it could use polish.

Connect-VIServer -Server $server
$dsnum = 2
$vservers = get-cluster "cluster1" |Get-VM ; foreach ($vserver in $vservers){ 
$var2 = (get-vm $vserver | get-datastore | Measure-Object).Count
$var = get-vm $vserver | get-datastore
foreach ($_ in $var)
   if (($_.Name -match "xxx1") -and ($_.Name -match "xxx2") -and ($var2 -ge $dsnum ))
   		Write-host "Listed DataStores $var" -BackgroundColor DarkMagenta -ForegroundColor White
		Write-Host "Match $vserver" -fore Blue 
		Get-VM $vserver | New-Snapshot -Name "Snap01" 
		Get-VM $vserver | get-snapshot | Remove-Snapshot -confirm:$false
		$var3 = get-vm $vserver | get-datastore 
		write-host "Updated $vserver Listed DataStores $var3" -ForegroundColor Cyan
	elseif ($var2 -lt $dsnum ){
		write-host "Server Not Matched $vserver" -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor White
Disconnect-VIServer -confirm:$false

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I did some polishing of your script and came to this:

Connect-VIServer -Server $server
$dsnum = 2
Get-Cluster "cluster1" | Get-VM | ForEach-Object {
	$vm = $_
	$Datastores = $vm | Get-Datastore
	$Count = ($Datastores | Measure-Object).Count
	if ($Count -ge $dsnum )
		Write-host "Listed DataStores $Datastores" -BackgroundColor DarkMagenta -ForegroundColor White
		Write-Host "Match $($vm.Name)" -fore Blue 
		$vm | New-Snapshot -Name "Snap01" 
		$vm | Get-Snapshot | Remove-Snapshot -confirm:$false
		$NewDatastores = $vm | Get-Datastore 
		write-host "Updated $($vm.Name) Listed DataStores $NewDatastores" -ForegroundColor Cyan
	else {
		write-host "Server Not Matched $($vm.Name)" -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor White
Disconnect-VIServer -confirm:$false

I didn't test the script. But I would like to hear from you if it works oke.

Regards, Robert

Blog: https://rvdnieuwendijk.com/ | Twitter: @rvdnieuwendijk | Author of: https://www.packtpub.com/virtualization-and-cloud/learning-powercli-second-edition
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