VMware Cloud Community

Restrict CLuster Statistics to business Hours

I am trying to update my reporting script so that it filter the statistics that come back to just 5am - 7pm M-F but i cant figure out how.



$vctr = @("ap-vmvc-p001","ap-vmvc-p01")

$output = @()

Foreach ($vc in $vctr) {

Connect-VIServer $VC

$RootFolders = Get-Folder datacenters \

Get-Folder -NoRecursion \

Sort-Object $_.name

Foreach ($RF in $RootFolders){

$CurrentRootFolder = $RF \

Get-Folder -NoRecursion \

Sort-Object $_.name

Foreach ($SF in $CurrentRootFolder){

"`n" + $RF.Name + "`t" + $sf.Name

trap{"`tNo Clusters";continue}

$Clusters = $SF \



$clusters = $clusters \

Sort-Object $_.name

Foreach ( $Cluster in $Clusters){

write-host $cluster.name

$out = "" \

select-object Vcenter, Site, Farm, Cluster, HostCount, VMCount, CpuTotalGhz, CpuAvg, CpuMax, CpuMin, MemTotalGB, MemAvg, MemMax, MemMin;

$out.HostCount = ($cluster \

Get-view ).summary.Numhosts

$out.VMCount = ($cluster \


if ($out.HostCount -gt 0 -and $out.VMCount -gt 0) {

$out.Vcenter = $VC

$out.Site = $RF.Name

$out.Farm = $SF.name

$out.Cluster = $cluster.Name

$Out.CpuTotalGhz= ($cluster \

Get-view ).summary.totalcpu / 1000

$Out.MemTotalGB = ::Round(($cluster \

Get-view ).summary.totalmemory/1024/1024/1024,2)

$statCPU = Get-stat -entity $cluster -stat cpu.usagemhz.average -start (get-date).adddays(-30) \

where { $_.value -gt 3}

$statMem = Get-stat -entity $cluster -stat mem.usage.average -start (get-date).adddays(-30) \

where { $_.value -gt 3}

$out.CpuMin = ::round(((($statCpu \

measure-object -property value -min ).minimum/1000)/$out.cputotalGhz)*100,2)

$out.CpuMax = ::round(((($statCpu \

measure-object -property value -max ).maximum/1000)/$out.cputotalGhz)*100,2)

$out.CpuAvg = ::round(((($statCpu \

measure-object -property value -average ).average/1000)/$out.cputotalGhz)*100,2)

$out.MemMax = ::round(($statMem \

measure-object -property value -max ).maximum ,2)

$out.MemMin = ::Round(($statMem \

measure-object -property value -min ).minimum,2)

$out.MemAvg = ::round(($statMem \

measure-object -property value -average ).average,2)

if ($out.CpuMin -lt 0) {$out.CpuMin = 0}

if ($out.MemMin -lt 0) {$out.MemMin = 0}

if ($out.VMCount -eq "") {$out.VMCount = 0}


$output = $output + $out






$output \

Sort-object Site, Farm, CLuster\

Export-Csv -Force -noTypeInformation c:\Cluster_Utilization_30day.csv

Truth is a three edged sword

Truth is a three edged sword
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1 Reply

The Get-Stat cmdlet doesn't allow to specify non-continuous time ranges.

What you need to do is to filter out the statistical data that has a time stamp outside the window you want to cover.

This can be done with the Where-Object cmdlet.

If you change the lines containing the Get-Stat cmdlet like below it should only give you the statistical data inside the 05:00-19:00 window.

   $statCPU = Get-stat -entity $cluster -stat cpu.usagemhz.average -start (*get-date*).adddays(-30) | where { $_.value -gt 3} | where {(5..18) -contains $_.Timestamp.Hour}
   $statMem = Get-stat -entity $cluster -stat mem.usage.average -start (*get-date*).adddays(-30) | where { $_.value -gt 3} | where {(5..18) -contains $_.Timestamp.Hour}


Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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