VMware Cloud Community

Re: Adding Virtual Machine Port group vSwitch ( Network Label and Vlan ID ) through Script

If you need to set any other information for your port group such as amending the active or standy nics you can use the script below.

I have done it per cluster but you can use any Get-VMHost command you want to get the hosts you want to apply the change to.

This adds a portgroup called vdi3 on vSwitch0 on vlan 500 to all hosts in cluster HP_BL460C_VDI3 and also sets vmnic0 to active and vmnic1 to standby

#Add and configure Port group to all hosts in a cluster

Get-Cluster "HP_BL460C_VDI3" | Get-VMHost | Sort Name | %{
 $vSwitch0 = $_ | Get-VirtualSwitch | where {$_.Name -like "vSwitch0"} 
 $vSwitch0 | New-VirtualPortGroup -Name "vdi3" -vlanid 500
 $VMPortGroup = $vSwitch0 | Get-VirtualPortGroup | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "vdi3"} 
 $VMPortGroup | Get-NicTeamingPolicy |  Set-NicTeamingPolicy -MakeNicActive "vmnic0"
 $VMPortGroup | Get-NicTeamingPolicy |  Set-NicTeamingPolicy -MakeNicStandby "vmnic1"
 $VMPortGroup | Get-NicTeamingPolicy |  Set-NicTeamingPolicy -InheritFailoverOrder $false -InheritFailback $true -InheritLoadBalancingPolicy $true -InheritNetworkFailoverDetectionPolicy $true -InheritNotifySwitches $true

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2 Replies

When I try to run this in VESI I get the following :

Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Name'. The argument is null or empty. Supply an argument that is not null or empty and then try the command again.

At :line:34 char:35

+ $VMs = get-vm -Location (Get-Folder <<<< $VMFolder)

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The Get-VM command in this example is getting all VMs in a particular VM folder (The blue folders) in VC. The VM Folder to search is in the following variable.

$VMFolder = "Workstations"

If you don't have a folder named "Workstations" it will fail.

If you don't need to run the script against a particular folder you can just return all VMs with:

$VMs = get-vm

Give that a try and see if you havemore luck.

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