VMware Cloud Community

Problem with PowerCli in Multi-threading


Sorry for my little English,

I would like use PowerCli in Multi-threading, But my problem is at Data recovery. i haven't recovery all data of my variable when i execute my command

For Example,
if i execute the command "Get-cluster -Name "My_Cluser" | Get-View)"
I recov the data to the root and root + 1, but it not shows me the rest

i don't know how...
if someone at a idea..

Thank you

and Sorry for my little English !!!

My Code :

$IPvCenter = "IP_VCENTER"
Add-PSSnapin -Name "VMware.VimAutomation.Core" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Connect-VIServer $IPvCenter

$SessionId= ($defaultviserver | select SessionId).sessionId
$functions = {

      Add-PSSnapin -Name "VMware.VimAutomation.Core" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

      $Connect = Connect-VIServer $args[0] -Session $args[1]

      $ClusterInfo = (Get-cluster  -Name "My_Cluster" | Get-View) | select *
      return $ClusterInfo
$SessionId= ($defaultviserver | select SessionId).sessionId
$Result = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $functions -argumentlist @($IPvCenter,$SessionId) | Wait-Job| Receive-Job

# Example

     # Good

     # Bad


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