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Powershell Array

Hi Luc,

Need your help in redcuing the script run time. I've created the below script to combine powernsx and powercli to get the report that i wanted, But it is taking hours to complete the report. Can this be tweaked by changing anything?

I have 8 Nsx server so it is taking 9hrs to complete. 😞

$report =@()
$cred = get-credential
Get-Module -ListAvailable | where{$_.Name -match "vmware*"} | Import-Module
Import-Module PowerNSX

foreach ($test in $nsx){
Connect-NsxServer $test -Username admin -Password xxxxxx -VICred $cred
$sectags = Get-NsxSecurityTag |where {$_.vmcount -ne "0"} | foreach{$_.name}
foreach ($tag in $sectags){
$data = Get-NsxSecurityTag -Name $tag | Get-NsxSecurityTagAssignment | select Virtualmachine
$data | Add-Member -Name "Security Tag" -Value $tag -MemberType NoteProperty
$data | Add-Member -Name "Server" -Value $test -MemberType NoteProperty
$report += $data

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1 Reply

I'm afraid that I don't know the PowerNSX module that well.

But I think you could save on a number of Get-NsxSecurityTag calls like this.

Don't know how much difference that makes in total execution time.

$report =@()

$cred = Get-Credential

Get-Module -Name VMware* -ListAvailable | Import-Module

Import-Module PowerNSX

foreach ($test in $nsx){

    Connect-NsxServer $test -Username admin -Password xxxxxx -VICred $cred

    foreach($tag in (Get-NsxSecurityTag | Where{$_.VMCount -ne 0})){

        $data = $tag | Get-NsxSecurityTagAssignment | select Virtualmachine

        $data | Add-Member -Name "Security Tag" -Value $tag -MemberType NoteProperty

        $data | Add-Member -Name "Server" -Value $test -MemberType NoteProperty

        $report += $data




Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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