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PowerCLi script to Upload files into datastores for multiple hosts in parallel

Hello Friends,

Recently i've got a scenario where i have to upload the files into multiple hosts in their local datastores around 2000+ boxes. I'm trying below scripts to upload the files to selected 50 hosts in parallel. but somehow script is not running as per our expectation. Any help would be highly appreciated here.

Script object: master script should initiate both file upload scripts in parallel for multiple hosts at a time.

Master script:


$hosts= Get-Content "C:\HostList.txt"

foreach ($esx in $hosts) {

Write-Host "Running File upload1 script on host: $esx ..."  -ForegroundColor Yellow

#.\Test_FileUpload.ps1 -HostName $esx -User "XXXX"  -Pswd "XXXX"  

Write-Host "Running File upload2 script on host: $esx ..."  -ForegroundColor Yellow

#.\Test_FileUpload2.ps1 -HostName $esx -User "XXX"  -Pswd "XXXX"









$fileName = "C:\Users\New folder\DELL-T330\ESXi670-202008001.zip"

#$tgtFolder = 'ISO'

$StartTime = Get-Date

Write-Host "************************************************" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Write-Host "Please wait while connecting the host: $HostName " -ForegroundColor Yellow

Write-Host "************************************************" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Connect-VIServer -Server $HostName -user $User -Password $Pswd

Write-Host "connected to the server: $HostName" -ForegroundColor Green

$datastores = Get-VMHost $HostName | Get-Datastore | where{$_.name -like "datastore*"}

    foreach($ds in $datastores){


    New-PSDrive -Location $ds -Name DS -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root "\" > $null

    Write-Host "New ISO folder has been created under DS: $ds " -ForegroundColor Green

     New-Item -Path DS:\ISO -ItemType Directory


     $tgtFolder ='ISO'

     New-PSDrive -Location $ds -Name DS1 -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root "\" > $null


    if(!(Test-Path -Path "DS1:/$($tgtFolder)")){

        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "DS1:/$($tgtFolder)" > $null


    Write-Host "DS copy is in-progres.. Pls wait" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    Copy-DatastoreItem -Item $fileName -Destination "DS1:/$($tgtFolder)"


    Remove-PSDrive -Name DS -Confirm:$false

    Remove-PSDrive -Name DS1 -Confirm:$false


Write-Host " DS copy task has completed for host: $fileName" -ForegroundColor Green

$EndTime = Get-Date

$TotalTime = New-TimeSpan –Start $StartTime –End $EndTime #| select -expandproperty Seconds

Write-Host "************************************************" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Write-Host "Total time taken to complete the ISO copy: $TotalTime " -ForegroundColor Green

Write-Host "************************************************" -ForegroundColor Cyan








$fileName = "C:\Users\New folder\DELL-T330\VMware-VMvisor-Installer-6.7.0.update03-16316930.x86_64-DellEMC_Customized-A06.zip"

#$tgtFolder = 'ISO'

$StartTime = Get-Date

Write-Host "************************************************" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Write-Host "Please wait while connecting the host: $HostName " -ForegroundColor Yellow

Write-Host "************************************************" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Connect-VIServer -Server $HostName -user $User -Password $Pswd

Write-Host "connected to the server: $HostName" -ForegroundColor Green

$datastores = Get-VMHost $HostName | Get-Datastore | where{$_.name -like "datastore*"}

    foreach($ds in $datastores){


    New-PSDrive -Location $ds -Name DS -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root "\" > $null

    Write-Host "New ISO folder has been created under DS: $ds " -ForegroundColor Green

     New-Item -Path DS:\ISO -ItemType Directory


     $tgtFolder ='ISO'

     New-PSDrive -Location $ds -Name DS1 -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root "\" > $null


    if(!(Test-Path -Path "DS1:/$($tgtFolder)")){

        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "DS1:/$($tgtFolder)" > $null


    Write-Host "DS copy is in-progres.. Pls wait" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    Copy-DatastoreItem -Item $fileName -Destination "DS1:/$($tgtFolder)"


    Remove-PSDrive -Name DS -Confirm:$false

    Remove-PSDrive -Name DS1 -Confirm:$false


Write-Host " DS copy task has completed for host: $fileName" -ForegroundColor Green

$EndTime = Get-Date

$TotalTime = New-TimeSpan –Start $StartTime –End $EndTime #| select -expandproperty Seconds

Write-Host "************************************************" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Write-Host "Total time taken to complete the ISO copy: $TotalTime " -ForegroundColor Green

Write-Host "************************************************" -ForegroundColor Cyan


Swamy Naveen

1 Solution

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As it happens there was a recent thread on here that contains some skeleton code.
See Solved: Need help running start-job within loop... |VMware Communities

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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You could run multiple jobs in parallel in the background with Start-Job.

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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Hi LucD,

Thanks for the example. yeah, I've incorporated start-job in the script. it's working as expected. however, it doesn't showing jobs status. in order to check the status i had to run $jobs variable every time manually. Is there any option available to extract upload status into output file? also, After completion of file upload would like to have simple report across the hosts just to confirm that all the files are uploaded successfully.

Report should look like this:


vCenter Name, Hostname, Datastorename ISO foldername, file name, Size of the file in GB

$User ="root"

$Pswd = "XXXX"

$hosts = Get-Content "C:\HostList.txt"

$Jobs = @()

$Output = @()

$sb1 = {






$fileName = "C:\Users\New folder\DELL-T330\VMware-VMvisor-Installer-6.7.0.update03-16316930.x86_64-DellEMC_Customized-A06.zip"

#$tgtFolder = 'ISO'

$StartTime = Get-Date

Write-Host "************************************************" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Write-Host "Please wait while connecting the host: $HostName " -ForegroundColor Yellow

Write-Host "************************************************" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Connect-VIServer -Server $HostName -user $User -Password $Pswd

Write-Host "connected to the server: $HostName" -ForegroundColor Green

$datastores = Get-VMHost $HostName | Get-Datastore | where{$_.name -like "datastore*"}

    foreach($ds in $datastores){


    New-PSDrive -Location $ds -Name DS -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root "\" > $null

    Write-Host "New ISO folder has been created under DS: $ds " -ForegroundColor Green

     New-Item -Path DS:\ISO -ItemType Directory


     $tgtFolder ='ISO'

     New-PSDrive -Location $ds -Name DS1 -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root "\" > $null


    if(!(Test-Path -Path "DS1:/$($tgtFolder)")){

        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "DS1:/$($tgtFolder)" > $null


    Write-Host "DS copy is in-progres.. Pls wait" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    Copy-DatastoreItem -Item $fileName -Destination "DS1:/$($tgtFolder)"


    Remove-PSDrive -Name DS -Confirm:$false

    Remove-PSDrive -Name DS1 -Confirm:$false



foreach($HostName in $hosts)


    $Jobs += start-job -ScriptBlock $sb1 -ArgumentList $HostName,$User,$Pswd


$Jobs | Wait-Job

ForEach ($Job in $Jobs)

{   $Output += $Job | Receive-Job

    $Job | Remove-Job


$Output | Out-File "$($env:userprofile)\Desktop\output1.txt"

Write-Host " DS copy task has completed: $fileName" -ForegroundColor Green

$EndTime = Get-Date

$TotalTime = New-TimeSpan –Start $StartTime –End $EndTime #| select -expandproperty Seconds

Write-Host "************************************************" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Write-Host "Total time taken to complete the file upload jobs: $TotalTime " -ForegroundColor Green

Write-Host "************************************************" -ForegroundColor Cyan


Swamy Naveen

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I normally use the Receive-Job cmdlet with the Wait switch.

You can direct the object(s) returned or a set of properties on those objects to a file.

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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Hi LucD,

Could you provide some examples with Receive-job cmdlet? As i am not sure where to add this cmdlet in my script.



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As it happens there was a recent thread on here that contains some skeleton code.
See Solved: Need help running start-job within loop... |VMware Communities

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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Thanks LucD for the help. currently i am using below script to validate the size of the ISO directory post completion of file upload. however, host name is missing. any suggestions would be really helpful.

Thank you in advance.

foreach ($esx in $hosts) {

Write-Host "************************************************" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Write-Host "Please wait while connecting the host: $esx " -ForegroundColor Yellow

Write-Host "************************************************" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Connect-VIServer -Server $esx -user "root" -Password "XXXX"

Write-Host "connected to the server: $esx" -ForegroundColor Green

$ds = Get-VMHost $esx  | Get-Datastore | where{$_.name -like "datastore*"}

New-PSDrive -Location $ds -Name DS -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root "\" > $null


    Get-ChildItem -Path DS: | where{$_.ItemType -eq 'Folder' -and $_.Name -like 'ISO'} | %{

        New-Object PSObject -Property @{

            hostname = $esx.name

            Datastore = $ds.Name

            Folder = $_.Name

            SizeGB = [math]::Round((Get-ChildItem -Path "DS:\$($_.Name)" | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum | select -ExpandProperty Sum)/1MB,1)



    Remove-PSDrive -Name DS -Confirm:$false


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You didn't say what is in $hosts, but I suspect it might be an array of ESXi nodenames.

In that case $esx holds a string and the expression $esx.Name returns $null.

Try using $esx instead of $esx.Name

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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Sorry, I missed it. Yeah $hosts holds list of ESXi host name that we provide as input. thanks a lot for the update. I have changed it and it worked like a charm. I really appreciate your help on this.


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