VMware Cloud Community

PowerCLi scirpt for Datastore usage report per Cluster wise.

Hello Guys,

Can someone help me to customize below script to pull the Datastore report per cluster wise. Any quick response would be highly appreciated.

Thank you in Advance!!


# Contents of path

# DataStoreUsageReport.ps1 - Main script file which need to execute from path.

# email_id.txt – Add recipients email ID in this file.

# vc_list.txt – Add correct VC name from which have to collect datastore details.

# Script Description: This script will connect to multiple VCs > colleact Datastore Usage Report > Save OutPut as HTML format > Send email.

#   Output will show in RED if any datasotre's Free Space % is less then 20


set-executionpolicy Unrestricted -Force # Execute Policy

##### Add VMWare Snanpin.

if(-not (Get-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))


   Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core



$SCRIPT_PARENT   = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition

#************** Remove old files ***************************

remove-item ($SCRIPT_PARENT + "\Report\V*.html") -force

########### Connect VCs from VC_List.txt ############

$VCs= Get-Content ($SCRIPT_PARENT + "\vc_list.txt") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # mention vcenter name where you want to check resources.

# $VCs= Get-Content  -Path N:\Scripts\VMWare\Storage_Report_HTML\vc_list.txt 

$D = get-date -uformat "%m-%d-%Y-%H:%M" # To get a current date.

Write-Host "Connecting to VC" -foregroundcolor yellow


foreach($vc in $VCs)


Connect-VIServer $VC   -WarningAction 0

$outputfile = ($SCRIPT_PARENT + "\Report\$($VC).html") #".\Report\$($VC).html"

Write-Host ""

Write-Host "Collecting details from $VC" -foregroundcolor green

$Result = @()

$Result += Get-View -ViewType Datastore | Where-Object {$_.Name -notmatch "pag"} | Select-Object -Property Name,


  @{N="CapacityGB"; E={[Math]::Round($_.Summary.Capacity/1GB,0)}},

  @{N="ProvisionedSpaceGB";E={[Math]::Round(($_.Summary.Capacity - $_.Summary.FreeSpace + $_.Summary.Uncommitted)/1GB,0)}},

  @{N="FreeSpace";E={[math]::Round(((100* ($_.Summary.FreeSpace/1GB))/ ($_.Summary.Capacity/1GB)),0)}} | sort -Property "FreeSpace"


      $HTML = '<style type="text/css">

      #Header{font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;}

      #Header td, #Header th {font-size:14px;border:1px solid #98bf21;padding:3px 7px 2px 7px;}

      #Header th {font-size:14px;text-align:center;padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:4px;background-color:#cccccc;color:#000000;}

      #Header tr.alt td {color:#000;background-color:#EAF2D3;}


    $HTML += "<HTML><BODY><Table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 id=Header><caption><font size=3 color=green><h1 align=""center"">~$VC-DataStore Usage Report~ </h1></font>

    <h4 align=""right""><font size=3 color=""#00008B"">Date: $D </font></h4></caption>



                  <TH><B>DataStore Name</B></TH>

                  <TH><B>Free Space (GB)</B></TD>

                  <TH><B>Capacity (GB)</B></TH>

                  <TH><B>Provisioned Space (GB)</B></TH>

                  <TH><B>Free Space (%)</B></TH>



    Foreach($Entry in $Result)


        if($Entry.FreeSpace -lt "20")


                  $HTML += "<TR bgColor=Red>"




                  $HTML += "<TR>"


            $HTML += "








    $HTML += "</Table></BODY></HTML>"

      $HTML | Out-File $OutputFile

Disconnect-VIServer $VC -Confirm:$false


$Uname = Get-Content Env:USERNAME

$Comp = Get-Content Env:COMPUTERNAME


#Send mail->

    # Add email IDs in email_id.txt file with , and in next line.   

    $mailto = Get-Content ($SCRIPT_PARENT + "\email_id.txt") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    $SMTPserver = "smtpserver.xxx.com" # SMTP server

    $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage 

    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SMTPserver) 

    $msg.From = "emailid@xx.com" # Sender ID

    $msg.IsBodyHTML = $true

    $msg.To.Add($mailto)  # Mail To id get from list

    $msg.Subject = "Datastores Usage Report - $vcs" # Subject of the email.

foreach($vc in $vcs)


     $MailTextT =  Get-Content ($SCRIPT_PARENT + "\Report\V*.html") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

     $Sig =  "<html><p><o:p> </o:p></p><B> Regards, <p>  Name (emailID@xxx.com)</B></p></html>"

     $Top = "<html> This Script is executed on Server - <B>$Comp</B> by User - <b> $Uname </b></html>"

     $MailText= $Top + $MailTextT + $Sig




   $msg.Body = $MailText




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1 Reply

Any help on this ,Even i am looking for the script as same


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