VMware Cloud Community

New-HVFarm with Spec can't find datastores

Is there something I'm missing to the JSON spec for creating RDS farms with VMware.Hv.Helper?

When I used the JSON template I keep getting this error message:

PS C:\scripts\Powershell-Horizon> New-HVFarm -Spec .\RDS.json

Exception calling "Farm_Create" with "2" argument(s): "ExceptionType : VMware.Hv.EntityNotFound

ErrorMessage : Datastore not found in Desktop's HostOrCluster

Id : VMware.Hv.DatastoreId"

At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\VMware.Hv.Helper\VMware.HV.Helper.psm1:2693 char:7

+       $Id = $farm_service_helper.Farm_Create($services, $farmSpecObj)

+       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Type      Data               AutomatedFarmSpec               ManualFarmSpec

----      ----               -----------------               --------------

AUTOMATED VMware.Hv.FarmData VMware.Hv.FarmAutomatedFarmSpec              

I've verified several times the datastore is there, is named right, and is functioning correctly. Am I missing something?

Here's my spec for reference:


    "Type":  "AUTOMATED",

    "Data":  {

                 "Name":  "RDSI",

                 "DisplayName":  "RDSI",

                 "AccessGroup":  "Root",

                 "Description":  "Created by PowerCLI",

                 "Enabled":  null,

                 "Deleting":  false,

                 "Settings":  {

"DisconnectedSessionTimeoutPolicy" : "NEVER",

"DisconnectedSessionTimeoutMinutes" : 1,

"EmptySessionTimeoutPolicy" : "AFTER",

"EmptySessionTimeoutMinutes" : 1,

"LogoffAfterTimeout" : false


                 "Desktop":  null,

                 "DisplayProtocolSettings":  {

"DefaultDisplayProtocol" : "BLAST",

"AllowDisplayProtocolOverride" : false,

"EnableHTMLAccess" : true


                 "ServerErrorThreshold":  null,

                 "MirageConfigurationOverrides":  {

"OverrideGlobalSetting" : false,

"Enabled" : false,

"Url" : null



    "AutomatedFarmSpec":  {

                              "ProvisioningType":  "INSTANT_CLONE_ENGINE",

                              "VirtualCenter":  null,

                              "RdsServerNamingSpec":  {

                                                          "NamingMethod":  "PATTERN",

                                                          "PatternNamingSettings":  {

                                                                                        "NamingPattern":  "RDSI-IC-{n:fixed=2}",

                                                                                        "MaxNumberOfRDSServers":  1



                              "VirtualCenterProvisioningSettings":  {

                                                                        "EnableProvisioning":  true,

                                                                        "StopProvisioningOnError":  true,

                                                                        "MinReadyVMsOnVComposerMaintenance":  0,

                                                                        "VirtualCenterProvisioningData":  {

                                                                                                              "ParentVm":  "W16-Gold",

                                                                                                              "Snapshot":  "H74-IC",

                                                                                                              "Datacenter":  "Lab",

                                                                                                              "VmFolder":  "Lab",

                                                                                                              "HostOrCluster":  "Cluster",

                                                                                                              "ResourcePool":  "Cluster"


                                                                        "VirtualCenterStorageSettings":  {

                                                                                                             "Datastores":  [


                                                                                                                                    "Datastore":  "SSD",

                                                                                                                                    "StorageOvercommit":  "UNBOUNDED"



                                                                                                             "UseVSan":  false,

                                                                                                             "ViewComposerStorageSettings":  {

                                                                                                                                                 "UseSeparateDatastoresReplicaAndOSDisks":  false,

                                                                                                                                                 "ReplicaDiskDatastore":  null,

                                                                                                                                                 "UseNativeSnapshots":  false,

                                                                                                                                                 "SpaceReclamationSettings":  {

                                                                                                                                                                                  "ReclaimVmDiskSpace":  false,

                                                                                                                                                                                  "ReclamationThresholdGB":  null,

                                                                                                                                                                                  "BlackoutTimes":  null




                                                                        "VirtualCenterNetworkingSettings":  {

                                                                                                                "Nics":  null



                              "VirtualCenterManagedCommonSettings":  {

                                                                         "TransparentPageSharingScope":  "VM"


                              "CustomizationSettings":  {

                                                            "CustomizationType":  "CLONE_PREP",

                                                            "DomainAdministrator":  null,

                                                            "AdContainer":  "OU=Clones",

                                                            "ReusePreExistingAccounts":  false,

                                                            "ClonePrepCustomizationSettings":  {

                                                                                                      "InstantCloneEngineDomainAdministrator":  "administrator@jackmac.net",

                                                                                                      "PowerOffScriptName":  null,

                                                                                                      "PowerOffScriptParameters":  null,

                                                                                                      "PostSynchronizationScriptName":  null,

                                                                                                      "PostSynchronizationScriptParameters":  null



                              "RdsServerMaxSessionsData":  {

                                                               "MaxSessionsType":  "UNLIMITED",

                                                               "MaxSessions":  null



    "ManualFarmSpec":  null,

    "NetBiosName" : "JACKMAC"


---- Jack McMichael | Sr. Systems Engineer VMware End User Computing Contact me on Twitter @jackwmc4
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2 Replies

What happens when you use, instead of the JSON spec file, (only) the (required) parameters on the cmdlet, including -HostOrCluster (with value 'Cluster') and -Datastores (with value 'SSD')?
Do you get the same error?

You can always open an Issue on the repo.


On the other hand the VMware.HV.Helper module is one of the worst examples of placing something in Open Source I have seen.
Imho, one can't just put +/- 10000 lines of code in Open Source without any further explanation of the logic or some verbosity.
And I'm not even going to mention the integration with PowerCLI and PowerShell :smileyshocked:

Anyone who wants to contribute needs to delve through these 10000 lines of code, and in the mean time learn the Horizon API by hearth.
And that API is not over-documented either Smiley Sad


Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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Good call on the troubleshooting step, but it did yield the same result...still trying to figure out what it doesn't like about the datastores...

PS C:\scripts\Powershell-Horizon> New-HVFarm -InstantClone

cmdlet New-HVFarm at command pipeline position 1

Supply values for the following parameters:

FarmName: RDSI

ParentVM: W16-Gold

SnapshotVM: H74-IC

VmFolder: Lab

HostOrCluster: Cluster

ResourcePool: Cluster

Datastores[0]: SSD


NetBiosName: JACKMAC

Exception calling "Farm_Create" with "2" argument(s): "ExceptionType : VMware.Hv.EntityNotFound

ErrorMessage : Datastore not found in Desktop's HostOrCluster

Id : VMware.Hv.DatastoreId"

At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\VMware.Hv.Helper\VMware.HV.Helper.psm1:2693 char:7

+       $Id = $farm_service_helper.Farm_Create($services, $farmSpecObj)

+       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Type      Data               AutomatedFarmSpec               ManualFarmSpec

----      ----               -----------------               --------------

AUTOMATED VMware.Hv.FarmData VMware.Hv.FarmAutomatedFarmSpec              

---- Jack McMichael | Sr. Systems Engineer VMware End User Computing Contact me on Twitter @jackwmc4
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