VMware Cloud Community

Issue with presenting VM Data data correctly in a html page

hi all, i am beginning a script that populates information into a html page.  I do not seem to be able to get the ouput correct to the html page.  I either end up with multiple entries of the same vmname, or the correct list of vmnames but repeated many times.  I wonder of someone could have a glance at the code below and advise where i am going wrong.  Many thanks in advance ..

$htmlPRDVMName = "D:\VMwebsite\Vmware\HTML\PRDErrorVMName.html"
$PRDVMName = @()
ConvertTo-Html –title "VMName Check" –body "<H1>VMName Check ($date)</H1><table><tr><td class="menu_item_current"><img src='.\..\images\vmware.gif' ></img><a href='.\..\index.htm' class='a_notlinked' >  Home</a></td></tr></table>"  -head "<link rel='stylesheet' href='.\..\VmStyle.css' type='text/css' />" | Out-File $htmlPRDVMName

foreach ($datacenter in Get-Datacenter | sort-object Name)
write-host "> " $datacenter
ConvertTo-Html  –body "<H2>$datacenter</H2>" | Out-File -append $htmlPRDVMName

    $vmhosts= get-vmhost -Location $datacenter | sort-object Name
$cluster = get-cluster -Location $datacenter | Sort-Object Name
    $DatacenterTmp = @()

    if (($vmhosts | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0) {
     foreach($vmhost in $vmhosts) {

      $HostTmp = @()
      write-host " - "  " > "  $vmhost.Name
      foreach($vmTemp in (get-vm -Location $vmhost | sort-object Name))
       write-host " - "  " - "  " > "  $vmTemp.Name
    Get-View -ViewType virtualmachine -Property name | % {
    $ReportRow = "" | Select-Object VMName
       $ReportRow.VMName = $_.Name
       $HostTmp += $ReportRow

     $DatacenterTmp += $HostTmp
   $PRDVMName = $DatacenterTmp | sort-object VMName
   $PRDVMName | convertto-html -property VMName | Out-File -append $htmlPRDVMName

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$htmlPRDVMName = "D:\VMwebsite\Vmware\HTML\PRDErrorVMName.html"

$PRDVMName = @()

ConvertTo-Html –title "VMName Check" –body "<H1>VMName Check ($date)</H1><table><tr><td class="menu_item_current"><img src='.\..\images\vmware.gif' ></img><a href='.\..\index.htm' class='a_notlinked' >  Home</a></td></tr></table>"  -head "<link rel='stylesheet' href='.\..\VmStyle.css' type='text/css' />" | Out-File $htmlPRDVMName

foreach ($datacenter in Get-Datacenter | sort-object Name)


write-host "> " $datacenter

ConvertTo-Html  –body "<H2>$datacenter</H2>" | Out-File -append $htmlPRDVMName


    $vmhosts= get-vmhost -Location $datacenter | sort-object Name

    $cluster = get-cluster -Location $datacenter | Sort-Object Name

    #$DatacenterTmp = @()

    if (($vmhosts | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0) {

     foreach($vmhost in $vmhosts) {

      $HostTmp = @()


      write-host " - "  " > "  $vmhost.Name


      foreach($vmTemp in (get-vm -Location $vmhost | sort-object Name))


       write-host " - "  " - "  " > "  $vmTemp.Name

       $VMname = $vmTemp.name

       $ReportRow = New-object PSObject

       $ReportRow | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VMName -Value $vmname


       $HostTmp += $ReportRow


     $PRDVMName = $HostTmp | sort-object VMName

     $PRDVMName | convertto-html -property VMName | Out-File -append $htmlPRDVMName




Invoke-Item $htmlPRDVMName

--------------------------------------------------------------- Kunal Udapi Sr. System Architect (Virtualization, Networking And Storage) http://vcloud-lab.com http://kunaludapi.blogspot.com VMWare vExpert 2014, 2015, 2016 If you found this or other information useful, please consider awarding points for "Correct" or "Helpful".
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hi thanks for the information ... however i have a fairly extensive report that i have stripped down to the bare minimum (which i have attached).  I do not want to modify it too much.  the script works and gives me all the information i need, however i dont seem to be able to get the display correctly.  I have 2 Datacentres attavhed to the vcentre that i am running the script against.  At the moment the HTML page that is created lists the vm's in both datacentres, under the title of each datacentre.  So i get a list of all the vm's twice.  Instead of vm's in datacentre1 appeairng under the datacentre1 title, and vm's in datacentre2 appeairng under the datacentre2 title.  Can you advise where i am going wrong ... would be much appreciated. thanks in advance

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